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Y'all need to understand Lily's mind...why go back to a dad who loves his new wife more th...

TENYN June 16, 2024 9:32 am

Y'all need to understand Lily's mind...why go back to a dad who loves his new wife more than his own daughter or go back to live in a house with a deceitful step mother and after all the years Anna hasn't properly returned Lily's feelings not until the dutches came into the picture,seems to lily's mind that the only one who wants her 100% is the dutches and that's why she stayed with her.

    olicarrot June 16, 2024 10:02 am

    I agree with you. I 100% understand Lily

    Kyoko510 June 16, 2024 10:16 am

    Finally someone that still has media literacy, thank you.

    octosis June 16, 2024 10:59 am

    It's so nice to see someone else agree about this. It's just unfortunate about Anna, but she's also deeply hurt Lily. There are also lots of power dynamics that make it all complicated, but people really just don't want to see Lily as a human being with needs like everyone else.

    NotCool June 16, 2024 11:53 am

    You have half a point. The characters are so shallow that their motivations are barely coherent. The story doesn't allow for any deep analysis. Ultimately, it's an NTR story, so the outcome was set from the start. Everything else just serves to facilitate the tropes and scenes of that genre.

    Moreover, even if Lily had good motivations for her actions, it's irrelevant to most readers. Most stories have a start, conflict, and happy resolution, which is what most readers expected when they started this story. They didn't realize it was NTR, and the author isn't particularly good at writing or making the story interesting. So, for most people, this ending serves no purpose, and the next chapter will probably have the standard NTR ending where Lily is given to Rose's friends for playtime and Lily being shocked over Rose not loving her. Only weirdos like these kinds of stories, which is why most of the reactions have been so negative towards Lily.

    octosis June 16, 2024 12:19 pm
    You have half a point. The characters are so shallow that their motivations are barely coherent. The story doesn't allow for any deep analysis. Ultimately, it's an NTR story, so the outcome was set from the sta... NotCool

    There's ample context surrounding their actions that explain their motivations. It's not going to be easy to see if you're too caught up in thinking about what you think a story should be or if you have a shallow knowledge about how people function though. I sincerely disagree with the idea that it's a story that doesn't allow for deep analysis, it's just that people don't WANT to analyse it because they're too caught up in negative emotions about the characters to ask what could possibly lead them down that road.

    I'd ike to point out that assigning moral value to Lily's actions probably isn't helping. You don't have to like her. I understand why people don't. But it's also disheartening seeing so much hatred for a literal teenage girl who's been emotionally neglected and has had no guidance on how to be a "good" person.
    You're also making a whole lot of assumptions, both about where the story will go, and about the people enjoying it. Maybe you're right, in which case go ahead and pat yourself on the back I guess, but you don't have to shit on people who actually find it interesting.
    It's fine if the story isn't to your taste, but I do think you're wrong about the author being bad at writing.

    NotCool June 16, 2024 1:20 pm
    There's ample context surrounding their actions that explain their motivations. It's not going to be easy to see if you're too caught up in thinking about what you think a story should be or if you have a shall... octosis

    I've had this discussion with you before. Previously, your arguments had some merit, but now they don't hold up. It's important to base arguments on objective reasoning rather than personal preferences. Why are you right about the author not being horrible at writing, and everyone else is wrong. This is a statement that usually requires arguments, not just saying "I think so" and "everyone else is wrong."

    Are you really claiming to see something that everyone else misses? This story has been widely ridiculed, mocked, and criticized on nearly every platform where it's available, including Ridibooks. The critiques are valid: the dialogue is simplistic and cringe-worthy, the characters are tired clichés with generic backgrounds, and the pacing is terrible. There's virtually no meaningful development outside of sexual content. Most of the explicit scenes are unoriginal, taken straight from classic NTR hentai, and even then, they're poorly executed. The smut is based around humiliation and the debasing of Anna, all in classic NTR style, and is obviously not for general consumption, but rather for those with a certain fetish.

    I don't need to pat myself on the back, as most people who have actually read comics and hentai have easily predicted every single chapter. The author has tried to do nothing original with the story, making it boring and predictable from start to finish. This is why I would be shocked if it ended differently, especially since Rose has seen no development outside of being a cartoon figure that serves as a plot tool, and her relationship with Lily has been the most banal execution of the manipulative seducer that leads the protagonist astray.

    octosis June 16, 2024 3:13 pm

    You say that it's important to base arguments on objective reasoning rather than personal preferences, but aren't you just arguing that you're right because the majority of the current readership agrees with you? Is that what your reasoning is based on?
    What I'm saying is this story reached the wrong audience. So yeah, I guess I am seeing things others don't? And clearly I'm not the only one. I'm genuinely not trying to be condescending, but I think the current audience this story has is too young and/or lacks experience with the process of emotional neglect and healing from it. People are extremely black and white in how they look at this, and real life really isn't like that.

    I don't think we were ever on the same page about this story to begin with in our discussions, although there were some points we could agree on. And for the record, art is inherently subjective. Sure, there are methods you can use to craft a story the majority will like. But that doesn't mean work that diverges from those methods are bad, it just means they'll need a different audience assuming they're crafted well enough.
    I'd also like to point out that predictability doesn't mean it's a story that lacks substance and subverting expectations is not always a good thing. I certainly agree with you that this story isn't for general consumption, but I'm not exactly a big fan of you filing enjoyers of the it in the category of "weirdos" and "NTR fetishists". Isn't that just based on your own prejudice? Just checking, but you do know that it's possible to enjoy a story without condoning anything that's happening in it, right?

    And if you really want to know why I don't think the writing is bad, it's because the yes the dialogue and and events are predictable and pretty simple, but the story has a good enough setting that you can explore why the characters act the way they do by reading between the lines and I think there's a weight to their emotions where things like trauma, neglect and class differences all play a role. But I suspect you're not going to care about that since you don't seem to be all that interested in seeing what I'm seeing anyway.

    So sure, if you think the story is bad, then to you it is. I'll concede that much. But it's very much not an objective truth like you're trying to make it.

    TENYN June 16, 2024 4:21 pm
    I agree with you. I 100% understand Lily olicarrot

    Yeah i understand Lily and i feel like the story can be easily understood if readers just look at Lily's pov...

    TENYN June 16, 2024 4:22 pm
    Finally someone that still has media literacy, thank you. Kyoko510

    TENYN June 16, 2024 4:26 pm
    You have half a point. The characters are so shallow that their motivations are barely coherent. The story doesn't allow for any deep analysis. Ultimately, it's an NTR story, so the outcome was set from the sta... NotCool

    Who knows....maybe Lily will enjoy all the orgies with Rose because i think that Lily has a lot pent up inside and needs a way to release all of her emotions before she can heal,so yeah maybe she needs to go crazy before she comes to her senses about Anna.

    TENYN June 16, 2024 4:29 pm
    You say that it's important to base arguments on objective reasoning rather than personal preferences, but aren't you just arguing that you're right because the majority of the current readership agrees with yo... octosis

    Seems you just don't like or understand the story and that's fine for me i don't care about others hating on the story,i understand it so i'm good.

    NotCool June 16, 2024 4:34 pm
    You say that it's important to base arguments on objective reasoning rather than personal preferences, but aren't you just arguing that you're right because the majority of the current readership agrees with yo... octosis

    Yes, we probably agree that this story was clearly not meant for mass consumption and has little mainstream appeal. That would explain the negative reactions and why the author's Instagram is flooded with negative comments.

    Read the text again. I was clearly presenting arguments about why the story is bad and highlighting that this opinion is widely shared. If you hold an opposing view, you need to present arguments against it, as you disagreed with my assertion.

    Your argument is a strawman, and we have no way of knowing the age of the majority of people discussing the story or that the majority of readers fail to grasp its complexity. I've seen plenty of discussions where people acknowledge and reject your points based on the arguments I mentioned. Mangadex, in particular, has had some good discussions on why the story is poorly written. The idea that other readers fail to understand the story and its "complexity" like you do is just arrogance and not a compelling argument.

    Every type of art or comic can be compared to others. For instance, "Love Thy Neighbor" is another Korean-produced NTR smut story. It's a deeply engaging psychological masterpiece that is superior in every way, except for the art, to "Lily of the Valley." Comparing and judging different works is natural, and people make a living out of it. You might have heard of professional critics. It's very much possible to say this is an objective truth for most, and then there will always be someone who disagree.

    When someone says they like "Lily of the Valley," it becomes relevant what kind of story it is. The core of this story is inherently tied to the NTR porn genre, and most of the plot focuses on it. It's fair to say that the people who enjoy the story would place themselves within a specific group.

    And yes, people can watch and love crime shows without wanting to commit murder. Again, that's a strawman argument. But when you enjoy a type of porn that focuses on humiliation, betrayal, and mocking in every chapter, don't expect to get my respect.

    If you give me concrete examples where trauma, neglect, and class differences are shown in a compelling manner, I will listen with an open mind. Because from my perspective, it doesn't appear very deep—more like the author taking common tropes and stereotypes from literature without understanding why they work in other stories.

    NotCool June 16, 2024 4:58 pm
    Seems you just don't like or understand the story and that's fine for me i don't care about others hating on the story,i understand it so i'm good. TENYN

    Yes, yes. You are a very funny child.

    NotCool June 17, 2024 1:12 am
    You say that it's important to base arguments on objective reasoning rather than personal preferences, but aren't you just arguing that you're right because the majority of the current readership agrees with yo... octosis

    Yes, we probably agree that this story was clearly not meant for mass consumption and has little mainstream appeal. That would explain the negative reactions and why the author's social media is flooded with negative comments.

    Read the text again. I was clearly presenting arguments about why the story is bad and highlighting that this opinion is widely shared. If you hold an opposing view, you need to present arguments against it, as you disagreed with my assertion.

    Your argument is a strawman, and we have no way of knowing the age of the majority of people discussing the story or that the majority of readers fail to grasp its complexity. I've seen plenty of discussions where people acknowledge and reject your points based on the arguments I mentioned. I have read plenty of good discussions on why the story is poorly written. The idea that other readers fail to understand the story and its "complexity" like you do is just arrogance and not a compelling argument.

    Every type of art or comic can be compared to others. For instance, "Love Thy Neighbor" is another Korean-produced NTR smut story. It's a deeply engaging psychological masterpiece that is superior in every way, except for the art, to "Lily of the Valley." Comparing and judging different works is natural, and people make a living out of it. You might have heard of professional critics. It's very much possible to say this is an objective truth for most, and then there will always be some who disagree.

    When someone says they like "Lily of the Valley," it becomes relevant what kind of story it is. The core of this story is inherently tied to the NTR porn genre, and most of the plot focuses on it. It's fair to say that the people who enjoy the story would place themselves within a specific group.

    And yes, people can watch and love crime shows without wanting to commit murder. Again, that's a strawman argument. But when you enjoy a type of porn that focuses on humiliation, betrayal, and mocking in every chapter, don't expect to get my respect.

    AreYouSerious? June 17, 2024 3:44 am

    People who read ntr porn and claim it to have deeper meaning are strange. Read a proper book or manga. You need it. This is dogshit.

    olicarrot June 17, 2024 5:21 am
    People who read ntr porn and claim it to have deeper meaning are strange. Read a proper book or manga. You need it. This is dogshit. AreYouSerious?

    Why are u reading this then

    TENYN June 18, 2024 5:32 am
    People who read ntr porn and claim it to have deeper meaning are strange. Read a proper book or manga. You need it. This is dogshit. AreYouSerious?

    Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch ....and yeah go eat " dog shit "

    TENYN June 18, 2024 5:34 am
    It's so nice to see someone else agree about this. It's just unfortunate about Anna, but she's also deeply hurt Lily. There are also lots of power dynamics that make it all complicated, but people really just d... octosis


    Platinum June 18, 2024 6:34 am
    People who read ntr porn and claim it to have deeper meaning are strange. Read a proper book or manga. You need it. This is dogshit. AreYouSerious?

    Bro... Reading this book was the worst mistake I made this year.