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i also hated the ml but ofc, i'm still considering what he's gone through to act like that...

iamcutetho June 16, 2024 8:31 am

i also hated the ml but ofc, i'm still considering what he's gone through to act like that.. they're both poor souls who were born in the wrong environment and way. the situation would be different if not in that set up.. their love would've been happy and healthy.

    Woomb June 16, 2024 3:05 pm

    I'm not considering shit because no matter he went through has nothing to do with her, he had no right to torture her and abuse her till she lose her will to live.

    Norn June 16, 2024 4:46 pm

    So are you saying that you think someone who is abused is justified in abusing an innocent person? You know about cycles of abuse and how they are NOT okay right? ...Right?

    iamcutetho June 16, 2024 7:49 pm

    lmao, y'all feel so triggered that cannot even understand that they both suffered in different ways. i also didn't meant that his actions were justified just because of his past and not wrong. i'm just saying that I'M CONSIDERING WHAT HE'S GONE THROUGH, not FORGIVING WHAT HE'S DONE TO FL. and ofc what he's done is an abuse deserving to be hated but think of it again. he was also unstable and his decision could be clouded by the rage that has been instilled with him. just like what the fl's father did, he got back by making the fl feel the same and i know, it's terrible. and the fl couldn't also be blamed for since she was just a child back then and even if she knew, she couldn't do anything but knowing something serious like that could also help. she could've helped the ml for his childhood a little better but then again, ml never approached the fl and just admire from afar so who's fault again is it? isn't it the environment they grew up with? they were born with? and what's with the drama's y'all been yapping for when this is yet again, a fiction.. sigh, they both need therapy. why? since they're both unstable and the fl decided to do those things with her own will without consulting other ppl while ml also just keep it to himself, they have to talk heart to heart but they couldn't, they became both blinded by the pain they feel and gone through.

    Woomb June 16, 2024 8:35 pm
    lmao, y'all feel so triggered that cannot even understand that they both suffered in different ways. i also didn't meant that his actions were justified just because of his past and not wrong. i'm just saying t... iamcutetho

    There's nothing to consider, because nothing is going to change what he did, she was ignorant and oversheltered by her family, and he knew that perfectly well yet still went ahead and destroyed her, she isn't blinded she's like an empty shell. And you're out here trying to put them on the same shelf when he's an actual abuser and her his innocent victim.

    paks June 17, 2024 4:41 am
    lmao, y'all feel so triggered that cannot even understand that they both suffered in different ways. i also didn't meant that his actions were justified just because of his past and not wrong. i'm just saying t... iamcutetho

    i completely agree with you!!

    people beg for a complex character but when they’re given one, they don’t even bother to think about it. yes, he abused her. however, he too suffered.

    talk about nonexistent media literacy…

    Woomb June 17, 2024 5:53 am
    i completely agree with you!! people beg for a complex character but when they’re given one, they don’t even bother to think about it. yes, he abused her. however, he too suffered. talk about nonexistent me... paks

    I love when people use the words "complex character" to defend a piece of shit lol
    Media literacy has nothing to do with that