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Everyone saying there was no plot but there definitely was..not saying it was the most gro...

ATOMIC June 16, 2024 8:02 am

Everyone saying there was no plot but there definitely was..not saying it was the most groundbreaking mind changing plot but there definitely was some. Honestly I liked it, it gave what it was supposed too.

You read the description and honestly thought it was going to be a fluffy, happy slice of life cute story? No ofc not.

The development was good even if the ending was a little abrupt. There weren’t that many sex scenes and most of them could be skipped, or skimmed past (which is kinda what I did).

And about the first sex scene it was more dub-con than straight up rape(not saying that it’s good that happened). But the ML even stepped back when the MC was nervous and didn’t do penetration. (Not saying that the ML is a saint for that.)

What I’m trying to say is this story is not supposed to be a depiction of a perfect healthy love story, and they made it clear from the beginning. So you shouldn’t read it expecting that and then get mad when it isn’t even after explicitly stating.

This wasn’t the most groundbreaking manhwa but it doesn’t mean you should just throw it away as trashy smut. (As you can see I’ve been harboring these feeling about many other manhwa that go through similar treatment…)
