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Artists of Mggo

Leya June 16, 2024 7:59 am

How do I develop an art style? I want to draw like those chinese artist and draw pretty art. But I'm not good at drawing on my own or very creative. I can only copy looking at others arts.

    YB.LN June 16, 2024 8:07 am

    Start drawing heavily using references so you can learn the fundamentals on the art style (colouring, face shape, etc)

    watch YT videos too, cuz it’s a popular art style there’s prolly a lot of videos on it

    Be patient and practice with your progress until you can draw independently :3

    milk man June 16, 2024 8:31 am

    Look at real life images. Maybe study some realism and try traditional styles. After, try to figure out what exactly you like in other styles (e.g. shape design, subject matter). Experiment mixing and matching what u like in other ppls art. Also try to incorporate your own interpretations on what u see based on real life. Eventually you’ll find out exactly what kind of art u like making, and this will be ur style

    Delyn♪ June 16, 2024 10:11 am

    (Sorry for the long answer)
    There’s this stigma in the art community that tracing art is taboo and should never be done. In reality, the only wrong you could do is posting traced art as your own. As a method of practice I HIGHLY recommend tracing at first, especially if you feel you’re a beginner.

    Start by finding art you like and tracing the parts you find appealing, grabbing from different artists if you can. Focus on the shapes and learn to steady your hand as you draw the lines before moving on to copying by eye or by memory. Just like that, you are practicing to have confident hand movement and building a memory bank of how you want things to look in your mind.

    You will always hear people saying to learn anatomy first, and while that’s not a bad idea, it isn’t for everyone and overall isn’t as useful as people make it out to be. Drawing should be fun, and if you find starting from bone structures to be boring, you’re only going to loose interest.

    A persons art style will develop over time. Trust me, I’ve been in that same place of wanting “my own style,” I honestly thought it was impossible for a long time. It’s not shocking, but practice really is the best thing you can do.

    Keep at it, and I hope to see your art someday