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the kid comment was weird asf but I just wanna remind everyone that theyre 21 & 25. (n...

jay June 16, 2024 5:22 am

the kid comment was weird asf but I just wanna remind everyone that theyre 21 & 25. (not defending, just a reminder)

    JINLOVEMITSUYA June 23, 2024 8:25 am

    not weird at all because je oh looks like kid but he is adult

    jay June 24, 2024 5:58 am
    not weird at all because je oh looks like kid but he is adult JINLOVEMITSUYA

    nah lots of authors like making bottoms look like kids or teenagers it seems like a fetish nowadays like love is an iilusion. idk why they make bottoms look so young its weird but ig since theyre of age its okay? its still kinda weird but whatever i guess

    JINLOVEMITSUYA June 25, 2024 8:35 am
    nah lots of authors like making bottoms look like kids or teenagers it seems like a fetish nowadays like love is an iilusion. idk why they make bottoms look so young its weird but ig since theyre of age its oka... jay

    Because i don't really pay attention to this kind of stuff . beom in killing stalking also looks really young ,he looks like 12 years old with his height

    jay June 25, 2024 9:24 am
    Because i don't really pay attention to this kind of stuff . beom in killing stalking also looks really young ,he looks like 12 years old with his height JINLOVEMITSUYA

    yea thats valid