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Lizzy June 16, 2024 4:06 am

I started this manhwa since ch 1, but I stopped in season 2. I was curios and came to check again. I think not only is the story toxic as hell, but the fans too. I love Jo, he's just a nice boy trying to figure things out, and I hate how the weirdos hate him with literally no reason just because they prefer the toxic, abusive and selfish mf. Also... Idk the plot is kind of slow, isn't it?
I might read it in the future depending on the ending, but for the moment... I'm done.

Pst. Tj and Ian can live and die miserably together, I don't give a fuck about them , but I just need Jo with a good ending or with his own story.

    titty sucker June 16, 2024 9:48 am

    Yesss!!! This!! You fucking get it! I recently picked up on it again and seeing the body in the pool, I lowkey hoped that it was TJ cause him and Ian really can die miserably together I just want a happy ending for Jo.

    HRAensn June 16, 2024 4:52 pm

    Each side of fandom probably hates me for being neutral haha…

    I also find Ian and TJ annoying tbh and Jo knows what he’s getting himself into, he has pride and has said he doesn’t wanna be no one’s replacement, as he should!

    It’s funny how Jo realized Ian still has some feelings for TJ instead of the person himself.

    Also endgame is revealed S3 in case you wanna check it out

    didi June 18, 2024 1:24 pm

    Uhm you're exactly like them? You hate those people that run their mouth but you're doing the same. Wishing for them to die miserably when they did nothing wrong. They can fuck whoever they want.