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WHY Not just use simple up to date words????!

Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 16, 2024 12:37 am

Maudlin, really? you couldn't just say self-pity. you had to use an ancient word only ones educated grandmother would use, Shakespeare probably used that words in his academic essays or something like damn Maudlin. (Can y'all tell I'm sick and tired of this words)

    Daiku ♥ June 19, 2024 12:27 am
    Actually as I have been scrolling back and even doubling back on my reading, Since you weren't the only commentor, you either need to get your glasses fixed or read again carefully not once have I said modern o... Chaotic.Neutral <3

    Learn what a comma, period, and paragraph indent are and maybe I won’t think this shit is a hilarious irony from your part

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 19, 2024 5:13 am
    Learn what a comma, period, and paragraph indent are and maybe I won’t think this shit is a hilarious irony from your part Daiku ♥

    It's funny cause my grammar is relatively correct throughout this whole conversation but, it seems you realized you're previous point was invalid as I kept telling you and so you decided to try to switch topics. That is Irony. You who said I was "trying to change topics because I have no argument" is now switching the focus of your attack because you had no valid argument? I can admit that I am missing a few commas throughout the conversation but as the commas I am missing are usually behind a transition word, it poses no real problem with comprehension of my messages. I actually have been using periods correctly so that was a flop and, I don't need paragraph indents if I'm not starting another paragraph as the topics I'm speaking on can stay together and again doesn't hinder anyone's comprehension skills unless they don't have them. You want the last word and that's fine I'll give you the last word once you seem to accept the conclusion that you were wrong and you've been making a fuss just to do as such but until then we can continue to go back and forth as every time you speak you give me something more to pick at about you and show evidence behind why I am doing as such. <3