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WHY Not just use simple up to date words????!

Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 16, 2024 12:37 am

Maudlin, really? you couldn't just say self-pity. you had to use an ancient word only ones educated grandmother would use, Shakespeare probably used that words in his academic essays or something like damn Maudlin. (Can y'all tell I'm sick and tired of this words)

    -lazuli June 16, 2024 12:42 am

    thanks to you, i now know what it means lmao so thank you (i was trying to use context since im not a native english speaker..)

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 16, 2024 1:46 am
    thanks to you, i now know what it means lmao so thank you (i was trying to use context since im not a native english speaker..) -lazuli

    You welcome. I only know cause I asked my grandmother if she knew cause I be forgetting google is a thing but yea she said it's the act of becoming self-pitifully sentimental. I did look it up in the dictionary and it said self-pitifully or tearfully sentimental, often drunkenly. Gotta love those Big Thick Ass Dictionaries sometimes.

    Daiku ♥ June 16, 2024 2:47 am

    Maybe because they’re trying to be realistic to the times of the story? I know some historical manhwas don’t honor the realistic vocabulary, but this one happens to do so. Also, I didn’t know what “maudlin” was either, but all I had to do was use context clues to figure it out… it’s not that hard.

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 16, 2024 6:54 am
    Maybe because they’re trying to be realistic to the times of the story? I know some historical manhwas don’t honor the realistic vocabulary, but this one happens to do so. Also, I didn’t know what “maud... Daiku ♥

    If it wanted to be realistic then I need complex meaningless phrases that are just longer ways of saying words not a word or 2 of outdated words thrown into a regular statement. Also did you really get self-pitifully sentimental from context clues? If so wow, I'm so impressed, you must have passed reading and comprehension with flying colors.

    Kiki June 16, 2024 7:10 am

    I understand the difficulties those with English as a second language have but I have to point out, "maudlin" is a perfectly ordinary and simple word. (The word "pity" has as old an etymology as "maudlin" far as I can tell and Shakespeare likely used it a lot more.) It's perhaps more about indicating the status and education of the characters, whose vocabulary ought to be more sophisticated and varied than a servant's back then (or some mangago readers' now, I guess

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 16, 2024 8:20 am
    I understand the difficulties those with English as a second language have but I have to point out, "maudlin" is a perfectly ordinary and simple word. (The word "pity" has as old an etymology as "maudlin" far a... Kiki

    As Pity isn't a word that stays in my vernacular why would I even care to know an old etymology, or the simple word of origin that you could've used to save time and space, of pity. words now of days don't really indicate anything except the degree of education you may have and honestly I think your phrasing is somewhat condescending and lacks understanding as to why many people may not know what maudlin means, which comes off as ignorant. if you didn't like the fact I was sick and tired of the outdated words used in seemingly regular sentences then go take it up with someone who shares your sentiment. In simple terms that I like as a preschool educator who likes to use simple terms that the children can get and understand without crowding their brains; I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired if being sick and tired of outdated words and snarky remarks. I'm glad you and, who I can only assume are the people who you hang around that use the word for you to think it's ordinary, Your associates use such words to express "pity" or bemoan to simply say discontent but it isn't a commonly used word as far as I know as pity and discontent are relatively simple words known world wide without need to break down to those old enough to know said words

    Kiki June 16, 2024 9:01 am
    As Pity isn't a word that stays in my vernacular why would I even care to know an old etymology, or the simple word of origin that you could've used to save time and space, of pity. words now of days don't real... Chaotic.Neutral <3

    I think it's okay not to know words. It's okay not to know things.

    emm@ June 16, 2024 5:31 pm

    I think it's perfectly fine to use older and less usual words in historical fiction. It reflect the more refined language of the past.
    What can be surprising is the unconstant use of them, and it's something that can be say about some translation.
    In this case, i find it quite well done.

    It's a lot better than reading old nobles talking like teenagers of today.

    Daiku ♥ June 16, 2024 6:00 pm
    If it wanted to be realistic then I need complex meaningless phrases that are just longer ways of saying words not a word or 2 of outdated words thrown into a regular statement. Also did you really get self-pit... Chaotic.Neutral <3

    It’s not the author’s fault that you can’t be bothered to broaden your vocabulary lmao. Go back to 4th grade if this is such an issue even when you’re literally reading a HISTORICAL manhwa

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 16, 2024 6:27 pm
    I think it's perfectly fine to use older and less usual words in historical fiction. It reflect the more refined language of the past.What can be surprising is the unconstant use of them, and it's something tha... emm@

    No I completely agree and if it was a little more constant I wouldn't have any problem what so ever. I don't have a problem with the translation cause it is quite well done nor am I upset with the story, it's great. inconstant and changing way of the speaking though was a little irritable for me. It doesn't have to be an irritant for you but it was for me and a bunch of random people being upset that I'm sick and tired of something isn't going to make me not sick and tired of something nor is it going to change my behavior or the comments I send. I will comment on what I want to comment on about the stories I read. Thank you though since you did help turn my complaint into constructive criticism and I'm all for that.

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 16, 2024 6:37 pm
    I think it's okay not to know words. It's okay not to know things. Kiki

    Okay you're on of those people, yikes. See I never said it wasn't okay to know something cause as I'm strong believer in education I just ask questions and get answers. Someone who is disturb by that fact or just doesn't care for it isn't someone who believes in education and isn't worth continuing to have a discussion with. It's not about not knowing a word cause if you search in my topic history whenever a word as such would pop up I would have the same complaint even if I did know again like bemoan or piquancy (which is actually a commonly used word especially if you're a cook or food critic). The inconstant use of these words though does make me upset and what about it. It's not gone change nothing you talking about nor is it gone change anything I write about. I'll comment what I comment and you can go be condescending and ignorant with the people who want that.

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 16, 2024 6:43 pm
    It’s not the author’s fault that you can’t be bothered to broaden your vocabulary lmao. Go back to 4th grade if this is such an issue even when you’re literally reading a HISTORICAL manhwa Daiku ♥

    I've literally been complaining about the same thing since it start. I really don't care if I didn't know the word as I keep stating "bemoan" and "piquancy" are words I know and still complained about. But me being sick and tired of whatever I'm sick and tired of isn't gone to help you feel better cause I'll continue to be sick and tired of it and you'll continue to be mad because you want to argue with a random person on the internet that should have no value to you? I do this cause I have time to spend replying and I find those who want to be ignorant funny, those who are a little more understanding though I'm always willing to have a discussion to see their perspectives.

    Daiku ♥ June 17, 2024 9:47 pm
    I've literally been complaining about the same thing since it start. I really don't care if I didn't know the word as I keep stating "bemoan" and "piquancy" are words I know and still complained about. But me b... Chaotic.Neutral <3

    Are you like, okay? You sound genuinely unwell. I’m just replying to your idiotic comments simply because I can, just like everyone else. I don’t care if you feel sick and tired of whatever, I don’t care if you don’t care about my opinion. And I most definitely don’t care about your ‘standards’ on who to have a “willing discussion on different perspectives”. It’s honestly ironic that someone who claims not to care, bothered to type out so much and even tried to figure out my emotions while I was simply replying to your own arguments.

    My advice, touch some grass. Get some friends. Clock in

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 17, 2024 11:07 pm
    Are you like, okay? You sound genuinely unwell. I’m just replying to your idiotic comments simply because I can, just like everyone else. I don’t care if you feel sick and tired of whatever, I don’t care ... Daiku ♥

    Here is your correction, I never said I didn't care what you had to say, obviously I'm replying so I must somewhat care. I said I didn't care if I knew the word or not as I'd complained about words I did know which I just thought were outdated. Your argument is incorrect. our discussion turned argument started because you said them throwing in a few outdated words here and there is them being realistic, I disagreed and said if they wanted to be realistic they need to "add complex and meaningless phrases as well" which was just saying adding an outdated word or 2 doesn't make their speech realistic if the phrasing doesn't fit. Now if you're comment was like Emm@'s who was a little snarky but made a valid point, this conversation we seem to be having would have been much shorter as Emm@ did make a valid point and kind of got what I was saying as the words I'm complaining about seem to be thrown in there at random intervals and aren't consistent. I thought since your "reading and comprehension" was so good as you made it seem you would have got it but it seems it's not that good and you don't care so why continue to try to have a conversation with someone whose not going to change their mind or what they do (me).

    Daiku ♥ June 17, 2024 11:37 pm
    Here is your correction, I never said I didn't care what you had to say, obviously I'm replying so I must somewhat care. I said I didn't care if I knew the word or not as I'd complained about words I did know w... Chaotic.Neutral <3

    Bro doesn’t understand I don’t care what other, “interesting” conversations you had with other people. I present my argument through MY means, whether you find them sensical or not isn’t my problem

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 18, 2024 12:27 am
    Bro doesn’t understand I don’t care what other, “interesting” conversations you had with other people. I present my argument through MY means, whether you find them sensical or not isn’t my problem Daiku ♥

    This isn't an argument anymore babes, you just fussing just to fuss cause apparently you not reading correctly and I'd be surprised if you even remember how this started without needing to go up to see what was said before. And I was just giving you a example of my "discussion" since you brought it up babes though again in the wrong context as you misread what I said to "Idc what you say" instead of "Idc if I knew the word or not Imma complain." 2 completely different statements. To have a discussion with someone you have to care enough to try and see their point. Your original point was saw and rebuttaled but saw none the less. So here's some advice for you. Get your glasses fixed, go outside, take a walk, and really chat with yourself and see if it's really worth going back and forth with someone who atp is doing this because they have the time and energy to do as such.

    Daiku ♥ June 18, 2024 5:08 am
    This isn't an argument anymore babes, you just fussing just to fuss cause apparently you not reading correctly and I'd be surprised if you even remember how this started without needing to go up to see what was... Chaotic.Neutral <3

    You’re so mad you really used the same sentences as me lmao. Im not gonna repeat why I keep replying since I’ve already done it too many times.

    Anyway, I definitely remember that I didn’t say the modern words were realistic, I was talking about the outdated words YOU were complaining about. Which was the original argument from the very beginning, and yet you just said It wasn’t.

    So… it’s really ironic you say I can’t recall what this thread is about………

    Babes (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 18, 2024 6:36 am
    You’re so mad you really used the same sentences as me lmao. Im not gonna repeat why I keep replying since I’ve already done it too many times. Anyway, I definitely remember that I didn’t say the modern w... Daiku ♥

    You truly amaze me, Ignorance is bliss. You've literally been arguing over the internet with a random person cause you didn't like the fact they were sick and tired of being sick and tired of outdated word being randomly place throughout the story and tried to state they were trying to be more realistic which my comment to that was if that was the case they need to fix the phrasing. not once did I say modern words, again you misreading thing. I need you to go back and take your time and read the words in the order that they are written cause atp I'm talking to a dumbass who apparently had impeccable reading and comprehension skills and yet doesn't read correctly, I'm starting to doubt your credibility. Also I never said you couldn't recall, I said I'd be surprised if you could recall it without having to scroll and look. No need to assume I wrote what I meant and meant what I wrote.

    Daiku ♥ June 18, 2024 8:16 am
    You truly amaze me, Ignorance is bliss. You've literally been arguing over the internet with a random person cause you didn't like the fact they were sick and tired of being sick and tired of outdated word bein... Chaotic.Neutral <3

    You’re actually delusional no wonder you ‘have the time’ to keep replying back and forth to someone who is apparently bothering you so much.

    Also you did say that I said the modern words were an issue, so YOU need to scroll back.

    “I never said you couldn’t recall” and yet you’re making statements doubting my ability to do so…

    Just admit you have no argument. You keep saying one thing and when it doesn’t work you hop to another, and then get mad when it doesn’t work and try to backtrack

    I would tell you to get some friends but I see the reason why you don’t have them lol

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 June 18, 2024 7:10 pm
    You’re actually delusional no wonder you ‘have the time’ to keep replying back and forth to someone who is apparently bothering you so much. Also you did say that I said the modern words were an issue, s... Daiku ♥

    Actually as I have been scrolling back and even doubling back on my reading, Since you weren't the only commentor, you either need to get your glasses fixed or read again carefully not once have I said modern or up to date words and as a matter of fact since you are so sure that I did, you can go find whatever you're talking about and quote it by simply copy and pasting it and prove me wrong since that would take less work then writing out these invalid arguments of yours. Obviously I stated I had the time to reply back so that's not too much of an issue. I've went back and quoted you a few times and for some apparent reason for such an "argument" you can prove by simply doing as such you won't makes it seem like you don't have the evidence to support your claim as you are lying. Obviously the fast Nancy replier who seems to be self-reflecting their social issues on me is someone I need to pray for as you truly seem to be the one who "has no friends" and is an idiot who doesn't know figurative language. As a matter of fact go fetch a grown up to come and help you since it seems you are having a difficulties reading and comprehending my statements and are fussing like a baby with a shitty diaper.