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I was worried from previous comment dropping it after seeing spoiler so I went to check an...

A star June 15, 2024 8:44 pm

I was worried from previous comment dropping it after seeing spoiler so I went to check and omg I’m actually more excited!!!
Spoiler down here:




The story is polygamy!! 2ml and 1fl and I’m so down for it tbh

    Issas June 15, 2024 8:59 pm

    I'd argue it's not a true polygamy ending because the author sorta chickened out when it came to it. It *is* implied, but she didn't quite choose both of them, she just lets both keep courting her while debating going to a country that lets polyamorous marriages happen. It was an ambigously open ending and felt very wishy washy.

    Either way, this need a harem tag at this point.