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I understand her but...

Jdngreen June 15, 2024 5:49 pm

I see why she hated them. It's a long, nourished and painful hatred that wouldn't leave her and allow her to be happy.
I reckon after the death of her mother she was highly depressed, and following that being sold out to the family who beat her mother to death??? Nop impossible.

She only survived so long because she knew he loved her and wanted to inflige pain to him for the lie... I guess the blood running through him.
BUT. I know she was young and a child, yet she was quite naïve wasn't she?
She really thought adult didn't notice or supervise her mother actions.

By actively trying to come see her, I feel like she's the one who started it...
Another way for the stepmother to take revenge, instead of separating them further, let them be close and BAM!

    ItzTinSeL June 15, 2024 10:58 pm

    ... soooooo it's her fault that an EVIL PIECE OF SHIT DECIDED TO BEAT AND KILL HER MOTHER. Did I read that correctly? Not the evil piece of shit's fault for being a low life an abusing and killing another INNOCENT human being.

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. So you clearly have colonizer blood running through your veins if you don't understand how fucked up that sounds. (ಠ_ಠ)

    Jdngreen June 15, 2024 11:07 pm
    ... soooooo it's her fault that an EVIL PIECE OF SHIT DECIDED TO BEAT AND KILL HER MOTHER. Did I read that correctly? Not the evil piece of shit's fault for being a low life an abusing and killing another INNOC... ItzTinSeL

    You seems stressed! I mean, calm down a minute and maybe your comprehension skills will be able to follow my logic better.
    Assuming what or whose blood I have I genuinely crazy, what am I supposed to answer to that???

    Anyway, she was naïve as a child and it's okay, but yes she was. I understand her behavior as an adult towards the people around her.

    ItzTinSeL June 17, 2024 1:27 am
    You seems stressed! I mean, calm down a minute and maybe your comprehension skills will be able to follow my logic better.Assuming what or whose blood I have I genuinely crazy, what am I supposed to answer to t... Jdngreen

    You know what you right I am stressed. So maybe you should be more careful and think twice before you speak hunny bunny.

    Jdngreen June 17, 2024 6:18 am

    And you should be more earth leved(courteous) especially when speaking to a total stranger.

    I believe I was careful and sensible, if you did not understand me or appreciated my wording you should just have said so.
    Would have been a pleasure to explain myself differently.