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Lizz June 15, 2024 8:54 am

I just want somebody in the story to acknowledge it was the cousin's fault that he went out in the first place or maybe give her a beating because what she said was outright horrible. Like you just don't joke about that when you don't know anything about the relationship, her saying that to our MC could have cause so much more misunderstanding with the fact that he's super insecure and just unstable. Like maybe someone beat her in the head once please because I don't like her.

    Verse June 15, 2024 9:14 am

    It's like everyone forgot about it, or do they still not know???

    blueberry June 15, 2024 9:21 am

    I think the cousin’s been tight-lipped about her involvement; I don’t see her explicitly mention anything about her actions. Ch 89 is as close as it got to her admitting her wrongs, which also wasn’t clearly stated since she just slips out “This might be my fault” in a setting where it doesn’t even matter, cuz they’e so focused on finding a solution and not who to blame.

    She seems to really be feeling the guilt though, so I suspect she’ll sincerely apologize to Taeju and Euihyun after the ordeal’s over. And get royally beat up for it LOL

    Andy June 15, 2024 9:35 am

    I dont think it was her fault really, she just said some shit but he went out alone by his own choice after that to get
    some air, i dont think she even thought bout what he would do after it. But i think those bitches had prolly been following and watching for a while, looking for when he was alone to grab him so it really could have ben anything, i think author made it like this just to give him an excuse to go out snd get kidnapped, not to frame her in a guilty picture

    Lizz June 15, 2024 9:39 am
    I dont think it was her fault really, she just said some shit but he went out alone by his own choice after that to get some air, i dont think she even thought bout what he would do after it. But i think those ... Andy

    True, but she still needs accountability for what she said to him which is downright anxiety inducing like you just don't walk into your cousin's house and saying to their significant other that your cousin doesn't love them????? Like bro???

    Andy June 15, 2024 12:37 pm
    True, but she still needs accountability for what she said to him which is downright anxiety inducing like you just don't walk into your cousin's house and saying to their significant other that your cousin do... Lizz

    Now THAT yes, absolutely