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geekydweeb June 15, 2024 8:01 am

I rarely comment if I have something negative to say, but I just can't help myself here.
The top is trash. There. I said it. He's a manipulative, conniving, scheming little shit.
Now, I reaaally enjoy myself some possessive and obsessive top, they can be a walking red flag and I'll go for it and like the read. But here it just rubbed me the wrong way, the way he used his own brother, the way he manipulated the MC and basically made an idiot of him THE WHOLE DAMN TIME. Like, there was not a moment of sincerity or redemption, and really, I don't need much, a small redemption moment that shows true love and true sincerity is all I need to like a red flag top - because it shows character depth and some character growth. Here, the top was just so one-dimentional, he kept scheming while repeating it was all to make the MC like him. Bruh.
And same for the MC, like, it's repeated numerous times he likes the top because he did everything he could to win his heart??? So you don't actually like him, you just like the fact he's obsessed with you.
Anyway, like I said, I DO LIKE WALKING RED FLAG TOPS, wether they be manipulative or possessive and yada yada, but it was just so... Poorly executed here.
It's a shame, because it had potential.
