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Ok hear me out

Kuma June 15, 2024 5:44 am

I low key think the owner established those three rules to protect the birdies who want to be in a relationship once they fall in love. Because once they fall in love, they can’t be selling their bodies happily anymore without upsetting themselves and/or their significant others! So he deals with breaking the rules with being kicked out of Shangri La. Like y’all don’t have the business to be workin here if y’all are in a committed relationship. Go find something else and spread your lovey dovey fluff elsewhere hahaha

My fan theory for a happy ending is that the owner tells them that he’s happy for them after they confess to being in love. And that he was kind of always hoping that phi would find someone dedicated to heal him from all his traumas so he could move on to other things.

    norimak_1999 June 15, 2024 6:26 am

    it's pretty obvious he wants the best for them so it makes sense