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Damn, the author is really doin a good job of keeping me guessing on this foreign god. Zeu...

Asuka June 14, 2024 10:06 pm

Damn, the author is really doin a good job of keeping me guessing on this foreign god. Zeus/Jesus/Thor/Neptune/Apollo?

    popcorn June 14, 2024 10:25 pm

    never beating the jesus allegations i fear

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 15, 2024 5:37 am

    Long shot : what about Dionysus

    Asuka June 15, 2024 1:54 pm
    Long shot : what about Dionysus TurtleThatAteABorgir

    Oooo I like! That would make perfect sense as to why he's simpin on Seth so hard (and he loves his wine)

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 15, 2024 3:00 pm
    Oooo I like! That would make perfect sense as to why he's simpin on Seth so hard (and he loves his wine) Asuka

    And it'll also intensify his rivalry with Horus cuz they're both of demi-god origin (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    CeCemmm June 15, 2024 4:29 pm

    Isis called him for war originally, so maybe Ares/Mars? But I do enjoy the Dionysus theory!

    Yarichin Bitch Club Manager June 15, 2024 11:02 pm
    never beating the jesus allegations i fear popcorn


    Meruemshu June 16, 2024 8:55 am
    Long shot : what about Dionysus TurtleThatAteABorgir

    No. Dionysus looks like a woman.

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 16, 2024 10:33 am
    No. Dionysus looks like a woman. Meruemshu

    He's portrayed effeminate in the later portrayals, whereas in the early Greek art he was portrayed as a bearded man, therefore both representations are correct

    Not to mention, being a god definitely gives you the ability to disguise yourself, and that this is a fictional story where the creator has taken multiple creative liberties, so it wouldn't be surprising if they give Dionysus beard too

    But hey it's a theory, Dio is a fun guy let us have fun :D

    Meruemshu June 16, 2024 11:14 am
    He's portrayed effeminate in the later portrayals, whereas in the early Greek art he was portrayed as a bearded man, therefore both representations are correctNot to mention, being a god definitely gives you th... TurtleThatAteABorgir

    This god has none of Dionysus' attributes and he acts like Zeus and has his mentality. Your shot is indeed a very, very, very long one.
    Dio is fun and cool I agree, that's why he's my favorite greek god, but this has nothing to do with him leave my boy be.

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 16, 2024 12:06 pm
    This god has none of Dionysus' attributes and he acts like Zeus and has his mentality. Your shot is indeed a very, very, very long one.Dio is fun and cool I agree, that's why he's my favorite greek god, but thi... Meruemshu

    Ikk, I just don't want that Zeus of a guy anywhere near my boy Seth so lemme be delulu

    Whoelsetherealone June 24, 2024 3:11 pm

    The time of gods in Egypt was before the first Pharaoh. The real Ennead story is happening during that era and is talking about how Horus access the throne and set up the ruling cast of the Pharaoh (his descendants). So in short, it is the story that put into motion the Age of Men (which is also the plot of this story), meaning it is happening before the golden age of Egypt which happened during the copper age (between 4000bc and 2000BC)

    Greece and Rome wasn’t even existing back then. We are like 2000 years before the Ancient Greek religion arises. Same for the Celtic religion (Viking and Gaules). So no Thor, Zeus or such thing. At that time, they are just starting to be in their proto-form.

    Furr guy is already a powerful god, where he comes from. We saw him with an army. Which cannot be from a god whose culture isn’t born yet.

    The other culture existing then is the Mesopotamian one: Assyrians, Babylonians. Akkadian and such who happened to be neighbours of Egypt and not so found of each other (Which could explain Isis disdain of fur-ball custom if he comes from there).

    Actually, there was one god in that religion, a younger god at that time, that was pretty powerful and worshipped along other powerful gods such as Ishtar. A warrior god named Yahvé. That will become later, around the time of the first Pharaoh, the god of the Hebrew tribe.

    So in my opinion, it cannot be Jesus. Like timeline wise, he isn’t even existing. Nor a European god, since they have yet to arise. I believe it is more plausible that it is a Mesopotamian god. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that god is Yahvé.

    And since Yahvé is Jesus’s Father, maybe that is why he would be drawn like that.


    Asuka June 24, 2024 8:59 pm
    The time of gods in Egypt was before the first Pharaoh. The real Ennead story is happening during that era and is talking about how Horus access the throne and set up the ruling cast of the Pharaoh (his descend... Whoelsetherealone

    I was trying to think about timelines as well, and that's why I was having such trouble. Since I know the author likes to be true to the Gods of the time, I am pretty sure she wouldn't lapse and make Jesus appear, so Yahvé makes a lot of sense! He fits the bill with what few clues we have: Came from another land, Is also a God in his own land, Young, Possible God of War. You just blew my mind - Thank you! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Whoelsetherealone June 25, 2024 2:43 am
    I was trying to think about timelines as well, and that's why I was having such trouble. Since I know the author likes to be true to the Gods of the time, I am pretty sure she wouldn't lapse and make Jesus appe... Asuka

    You very welcome. <3 And Thank you for your kind reply.

    The couple of times I brought it up in other discussion wondering who fur guy is, I was told that I was taking things too seriously and that they would continue to call him Jesus because he looked like him... So it is nice to have a positive feedback. (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)

    If you curious, I could tell you how the worshipping of Seth and Horus evolved after that which could give a hint of what awaits them in the story ahead.

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 25, 2024 10:15 am
    You very welcome. <3 And Thank you for your kind reply. The couple of times I brought it up in other discussion wondering who fur guy is, I was told that I was taking things too seriously and that they would... Whoelsetherealone