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hellahana June 14, 2024 9:28 am


I thought he went back in time but not that farrrrrrr in time. I guess this is his route becoming an emperor once again, right?

    hellahana June 15, 2024 5:29 am


    Wesley... You're so GORGEOUS WTH MINISTER OF MAGIC. YOU MEAN THE MINISTER OF MY HEART! SHE'S BEAUTIFUL. since she's related to magic, I hope she takes Ian under her wing. Hmmm maybe at least help Ian out. She be like, I never saw someone wielding magic this efficiency lol I'm just saying

    hellahana June 15, 2024 8:10 am


    Wow that was my first time seeing that. Usually it'd be just a passing event told by somebody. Also, isn't Ian in danger? Since he used to be part of the house? People would harm him even tho they know nothing. "HE HAS DERGA BLOOD" "HE'S A TRAITOR" "SON AND FATHER IS THE SAME" something like that

    hellahana June 15, 2024 4:10 pm

    Imma wait until he face the crown prince