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ash June 14, 2024 4:53 am

shitty translations are killing me. give me the officials NOW

    taehyungsangel June 16, 2024 1:18 am

    EXACTLYYY i hate trying to piece together what’s happening

    zyzell June 16, 2024 9:21 am

    how about you pay for them you ungrateful fiend

    jackskiss June 16, 2024 5:08 pm
    how about you pay for them you ungrateful fiend zyzell

    Just so you know they use machine translation its why theyre so quick to upload a translated chapter just as the raw comes out lmao no one is paying them shit

    zyzell June 16, 2024 5:24 pm
    Just so you know they use machine translation its why theyre so quick to upload a translated chapter just as the raw comes out lmao no one is paying them shit jackskiss

    so what, this is a site with pirated content. fortunately, having demands in this case is one of the most degenerate and ungrateful things in thingkind.

    ash June 16, 2024 11:38 pm
    so what, this is a site with pirated content. fortunately, having demands in this case is one of the most degenerate and ungrateful things in thingkind. zyzell

    just because it's an illegal sight doesn't mean I have to praise the people doing machine translations. I think you're choking on the boot a bit there

    ash June 16, 2024 11:42 pm
    Just so you know they use machine translation its why theyre so quick to upload a translated chapter just as the raw comes out lmao no one is paying them shit jackskiss

    exactly why I said what I said. they say they're paying someone so they might wanna pay a bit more for this shit to be readable

    zyzell June 17, 2024 8:31 am
    just because it's an illegal sight doesn't mean I have to praise the people doing machine translations. I think you're choking on the boot a bit there ash

    haha why are you putting words in my mouth? not once did i say you have to praise bad translations. what i did say is that having demands when you're illegally reading content you weren't supposed to have access to in the first place is manic. can't you read? the officials cost.

    ash June 18, 2024 5:57 am
    haha why are you putting words in my mouth? not once did i say you have to praise bad translations. what i did say is that having demands when you're illegally reading content you weren't supposed to have acces... zyzell

    and their ads say they are paying their translators which is bullshit. my og comment said something simple and you've made it seem like comments can't be made. go pogo with the stick that's up your ass

    zyzell June 18, 2024 1:25 pm
    and their ads say they are paying their translators which is bullshit. my og comment said something simple and you've made it seem like comments can't be made. go pogo with the stick that's up your ass ash

    your assumptions about who pays who are irrelevant. content is being stolen regardless. i don't regulate what you comment, but critisising it as absurd. you can call me whatever you want but know that you are a hypocrite if you stand by your initial words. if content isnt for free, then its not for you to read for free. dang, shits embarrassing