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Looking for a manga I read really long ago. I'm not sure if it's categorized as a bl (but ...

Tch June 13, 2024 11:55 pm

Looking for a manga I read really long ago. I'm not sure if it's categorized as a bl (but its still gay)

Its about a guy who's first crush turned out to be a boy who looks like a girl, and it traumatized him or something so he moved, only to meet them again in highschool where they are the leader of a sort of crossdressing club with a binch of other crossdressing guys. MC is definitely still in lpve with them but he's a tsundere and they know this and always flirt with him. The other members all have their own plots and romances with boys/girls.

It has a cute art style and I'm pretty sure (but not certain) its a colored *manga* (not manhwa, definitely japanese)

    callyX_ June 14, 2024 1:04 am

    I FEEL LIKE I'VE ALREADY SAW THIS BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER (I'll camp here until someone replies)