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It’s fine

mary June 13, 2024 5:48 am

I’m happy the MC didn’t end up with the red hair kid. Overall the story was relatively short, it was fine. But for real what was the point of having the MC cheat at the end ?? At least it was resolved.

Either way I’m happy the drama with the red hair kid didnt get stretched out. Considering the authors other works, I was worried it would take a darker turn (an easy target, corrosive). But thankfully the whole thing remained relatively light hearted. Of course there were a few attempted rape scenes, but not btwn the main couple. Frankly, those scenes stuck out and did not fit with the overall tone of the story. But I’m happy the author didn’t go full on psychological like an easy target is

Since I’ve read their other works, (an easy target, love shuttle, word in your snare, corrosive) it’s nice seeing how much their art has improved.
