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FL pissing me off

Liv69420 June 13, 2024 3:28 am

Either say u want just his dick and let him move on or freaking think about him getting a gf and realize you like him more than a friend! She’s being so terrible by telling him she doesn’t like him and telling her friend she’s never date him if she’s not actually sure. She’s being so selfish not considering his feelings too

    Apocryphe June 13, 2024 3:42 am

    fr it's so obvious he likes her (how dense can she be tho) and she keeps acting like she hasn't been leading him on (she remembers it even tho she was drunk) and saying the worst things to him in the aftermath lol

    Even tho she just doesn't realize her feelings yet, seeing how she's readers we can only find her unbearable