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pls help

meeshie June 12, 2024 2:08 pm

hi i need help finding this manhwa, i read it 2020ish and it was a historical romance/fantasy. this girl worked for a tech company that created like a vr reality game (kinda like sao) and she got stuck in the world she was transported to. she was poor so she created inventions that hadn’t been invented yet in their time (like a catapult, i think) and caught the dukes attention. one day she returned back to her world and it took her 3 days to get back to the other world which turned out to be 8 months for them. when she came back the ml was depressed and the kingdom was under attack. the ml also locked her in their room to make sure she didn’t run away again.. also i’m like 99% sure the ml had black hair if that’s of any help too lol. thank u for reading :))
