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honestly jo and ian storyline is not that interesting like im sorry but its clearly that i...

moniene June 12, 2024 1:56 pm

honestly jo and ian storyline is not that interesting like im sorry but its clearly that ian doesn't like jo like that and he's just seeking more attention (in a romantic way idk how to explain it) from someone else because the only one who gave it to him frfr except tj

    WendigoB June 12, 2024 4:42 pm

    Idk about that. I think Ian likes Jo, clearly not as much as Jo likes him but they havent really gotten to know it each very well yet and i just think its hard to move on from a decades long love affair like TJ.

    LoverOfYaoi June 12, 2024 5:58 pm
    Idk about that. I think Ian likes Jo, clearly not as much as Jo likes him but they havent really gotten to know it each very well yet and i just think its hard to move on from a decades long love affair like TJ... WendigoB

    Exactly!! Like everyone just expects Ian to be head over heels for Jo while they barely just started their relationship and getting to know each other, like calm down yall lol!

    hatdiggitydog June 12, 2024 8:42 pm
    Idk about that. I think Ian likes Jo, clearly not as much as Jo likes him but they havent really gotten to know it each very well yet and i just think its hard to move on from a decades long love affair like TJ... WendigoB

    it's just like you said tho i think ian is trying to use joe to move on which is unfair to joe and just sad tbh

    moniene June 13, 2024 9:16 am
    Idk about that. I think Ian likes Jo, clearly not as much as Jo likes him but they havent really gotten to know it each very well yet and i just think its hard to move on from a decades long love affair like TJ... WendigoB

    yes actually it could be that!

    ohlook June 16, 2024 2:29 pm
    it's just like you said tho i think ian is trying to use joe to move on which is unfair to joe and just sad tbh hatdiggitydog

    He deadass said he likes jo back. He's not using anyone lol. He didn't even want to date Jo in the first place bc he didn't want commitment but always went back to him anyway. Jo offers him something that TJ can't, which is normalcy and the promise of a different, calmer future. Just the way that TJ offers something Jo can't, which is history & childhood years spent together. They're equal, whether you like it or not (=・ω・=)

    LoverOfYaoi June 16, 2024 6:46 pm
    He deadass said he likes jo back. He's not using anyone lol. He didn't even want to date Jo in the first place bc he didn't want commitment but always went back to him anyway. Jo offers him something that TJ ca... ohlook

    Ah thank you! You said it so perfectly, I really don’t understand why people keep wanting to complicate things and make Ian the bad guy.

    ohlook June 17, 2024 5:48 am
    Ah thank you! You said it so perfectly, I really don’t understand why people keep wanting to complicate things and make Ian the bad guy. LoverOfYaoi

    Well I don't think he's all that innocent. He's indecisive and selfish. He keeps seeing TJ and sleeping with him, despite wanting to put distance between the two of them. Similarly, he tells Jo that he only wants to keep things casual and yet always trails after him, explaining himself, when he has no reason to bc they're not a couple. He's hot and cold with both TJ and Jo. It's not healthy. I don't think he's a bad person, bc that's just too simplistic an impression. He's more morally gray, just as the others are.

    hatdiggitydog June 17, 2024 10:36 pm
    He deadass said he likes jo back. He's not using anyone lol. He didn't even want to date Jo in the first place bc he didn't want commitment but always went back to him anyway. Jo offers him something that TJ ca... ohlook

    girl he said he likes joe back but he's not acting like it? and is constantly thinking of tj? and is never actually treating joe as anything more than a friend? just read the story and his thoughts. it's okay that he's obviously not moved on from tj currently and is using joe.

    ohlook June 17, 2024 11:14 pm
    girl he said he likes joe back but he's not acting like it? and is constantly thinking of tj? and is never actually treating joe as anything more than a friend? just read the story and his thoughts. it's okay t... hatdiggitydog

    He IS acting like it bc he goes after jo every time Jo has stepped away from him just to explain himself to jo when he has literally no reason to LMFAO and literally fucks jo right after seeing TJ like WHAT? I'm reading the story girl. I have SEVERAL times. You clearly aren't. He's also recently has stopped sleeping around bc jo wants to be exclusive with him. He's acknowledging Jo and his needs. These are actions that absolutely suggest he has feelings for Jo as well. That doesn't mean he doesn't feel anything for TJ. Obviously TJ means a lot to him. Two truths can exist at once

    WendigoB June 18, 2024 3:44 am
    He IS acting like it bc he goes after jo every time Jo has stepped away from him just to explain himself to jo when he has literally no reason to LMFAO and literally fucks jo right after seeing TJ like WHAT? I'... ohlook

    Lol I agree he loved TJ and that part will most likely never go away. Ian knows him and TJ are done, he knows that being with TJ is pointless (at least thats what Ian thinks atm) Saying Jo is being "used", as if hes not an adult who knows about Ians promiscuity and about Ians relationship with TJ, just doesnt fit for me either. It discredits Ians feeling for Jo cause I really think Ian wants to take a chance on love with Jo, hes not there yet, but he sees a potential for something more with Jo and he trys to pursue it(the best he can).

    ohlook June 18, 2024 4:28 am
    Lol I agree he loved TJ and that part will most likely never go away. Ian knows him and TJ are done, he knows that being with TJ is pointless (at least thats what Ian thinks atm) Saying Jo is being "used", as i... WendigoB

    Exactly like Jo's fully aware of Ian's promiscuity and knows enough about TJ to deduce his importance in Ian's life. Still, he willingly continues to see Ian and want more from heir relationship. For better or for worse, these are conscious choices from him. He's not helpless or just being thrown around.

    And I agree, it completely discredits ian's feelings for jo, which are still green but very much there. Like I said, he goes out of his way to explain himself to Jo, like the time Jo found another guy at Ian's apartment. Ian approached him later just to tell Jo that he only has casual sex w ppl bc it helps him sleep at night lol. Why would he go out of his way to explain himself for someone he's only using? Or the time he confronted TJ after hearing that TJ's men jumped Jo. Even TJ himself pointed out that Ian came running just bc Jo got a little hurt. Doyak added all of these details, on top of Ian literally saying out loud that he likes Jo too, to show that Jo's feelings are not one sided. Like you said, Ian sees potential in his relationship with Jo and is even trying to change for him. Like.. him letting go of casual sex is a big deal. This is Ian returning Jo's feelings.

    hatdiggitydog June 18, 2024 2:34 pm
    He IS acting like it bc he goes after jo every time Jo has stepped away from him just to explain himself to jo when he has literally no reason to LMFAO and literally fucks jo right after seeing TJ like WHAT? I'... ohlook

    he never goes after joe to explain himself EVERY TIME? stop reaching that was literally one time in season 1 and it's never happened again lol. and who's the one actually putting in effort to see ian and make plans to see him and cook for him and take him camping? joe. not ian. joe is the one who cares more meanwhile ian just agrees to whatever joe likes and never gives him any sort of reassurance whatsoever. ian does that KNOWING joe's feelings for him, and if he cared so so much about joe then he'd be showing joe that no? and how does ian having sex with joe after seeing tj prove anything...? ian can't have sex with someone after seeing other people throughout the day? please literally enlighten me with what point you're trying to prove.

    it's also not a flex that you've read this several times girl bc it clearly did not make you more knowledgeable about the characters... ian's feelings are there but they are as strong as a branch bro it's okay to say so because we know their relationship is still progressing. a lot of the things ian did that you think implies strong feelings is literally just ian being a normal caring person. ian cares for joe and their friendship but it is obvious that he is using him in ways to move on from tj. if you've read the story several times i'm sure your very intelligent self would see that but i guess i can't i judge a book by its cover huh

    ohlook June 18, 2024 7:13 pm
    he never goes after joe to explain himself EVERY TIME? stop reaching that was literally one time in season 1 and it's never happened again lol. and who's the one actually putting in effort to see ian and make p... hatdiggitydog

    LMFAO he also went out of his way to sit down and meet with jo after Jo was jumped by TJ's men, which again, he did NOT have to do for some kid he barely knows. So, yes, EVERY time. You can desperately try to make it seem like these moments mean nothing but doyak took care to include them. "It was literally one time" and yet Ian has NEVER explained himself or felt the need to justify his lifestyle to anyone, not even TJ. As I've already said, he's even stopped sleeping with other ppl just bc Jo doesn't like it. Right, yes, that's absolutely the behavior you'd expect from someone trying to "use" jo deadass reading with your eyes closed. It's called identifying subtext / reading between the lines dumbass

    And yes, OBVIOUSLY Jo's interest in Ian outweighs what Ian feels for him. Ian is still involved with TJ. He hasn't fully moved on. OF COURSE Jo cares more right now who TF is arguing otherwise? Bc I never once a said this LMAO what I'm actually saying is that his feelings for jo exist and can't be reduced to him "using" jo or that he's "kind". Yes, Ian is kind, but he's particularly kind to Jo. He approached jo wanting jo to be just another quick lay but he's not treating jo like he usually treats his sex partners. Explaining himself, changing his sexual tendencies, spending time together outside of sex doing these fun, light-hearted activities - it all suggests that he genuinely likes Jo back. Again, obviously not to the extent of Jo's feelings, but his feelings are there and they are more than mere kindness.

    Also Ian has not done anything to prove that he's "using" Jo. He's not going out of his way to get jo to sleep with him or even asks Jo to take him out just so that he can "move on from TJ" LMAO like what? He's starting to reciprocate Jo's feelings but when has he expressed or suggested that he wants jo for the sake of replacing tj?

    Have u also forgotten that jo is willing put himself in this situation? He's fully aware of Ian's background and lifestyle and still chooses to stay. He's not some helpless victim and Ian himself has told Jo what he can expect while being with him. Acting like jo isn't an adult that's making the conscious choice to pursue Ian

    "It's obvious he's using him" yeah that's not an argument. If it's so obvious, point me to specific moments that strongly suggest Ian is deliberately using Jo for his own benefit. Take a few hours to reread the story while you're at it, sounds like you need it

    hatdiggitydog June 18, 2024 7:27 pm
    LMFAO he also went out of his way to sit down and meet with jo after Jo was jumped by TJ's men, which again, he did NOT have to do for some kid he barely knows. So, yes, EVERY time. You can desperately try to m... ohlook

    hey so listen i think you're incredibly stupid to be very honest some things you said here are literally things i never said or implied. not to mention things that you have taken to mean romantic interest when they're clearly not. i am not gonna argue with you because it's like talking to a brick wall no offense you're just a very riled up joe stan and i'm not engaging with that. i just feel sad for doyak that this is the audience who read her stories lmao have a good day i hope i never have to discuss anything with you again jesus christ

    hatdiggitydog June 18, 2024 7:29 pm
    LMFAO he also went out of his way to sit down and meet with jo after Jo was jumped by TJ's men, which again, he did NOT have to do for some kid he barely knows. So, yes, EVERY time. You can desperately try to m... ohlook

    LMAOO i just opened your acc ofc you're from fucking america no wonder your ass is this unintelligent