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Y'all looking at it wrong

Victoria June 10, 2024 12:34 am

No real spoilers- It's like watching Jerry Springer. To possibly enjoy this, first remember that many humans are arrogant idiots. Then think of this as a nobility-setting-story of two arrogant idiots with chronic resting bitch face (especially ML) who fell in love. Instead of setting their egos aside for a sec, they literally both force each other to have sex while pretending to hate each other and not want it. They're seriously just too prideful and stupid to admit anything or give any trust. They deserve each other and definitely gotta be soulmates with "restrain and hate bang" being their version of flirting.

The leads are clearly young, inexperienced, selfish, hormonal, prideful, and surrounded by nobles with nothing else to do but come up with convoluted schemes against other nobles. It's like how if you read a bunch of Greek myths, you'll be like "wow, I guess when you have everything, you get bored and stir shit up". Zeus is the worst ML to ever exist. Sorry, anyway~

There were a million easier ways various things could go, but gorgeous wealthy royalty (with stuff like magic to boot) can do stuff like take a vacation in another country to avoid rape charges. Maybe keep your woman locked up in luxury for weeks of dubious rape-play and emotional mind games. You know, for funsies. Then demand marriage. Genius plan.

This can be amusing, but it's not everyone's preference. I half read it from morbid curiosity... and half read because the ML is hot beyond all reason. The art is only a little different from the usual, but his eyes wreck me. There's no logic in it.
