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deedee June 9, 2024 4:46 pm

this is clearly not related to the manhwa but I'm having problems. I (20 F) and my bf (23) are together for 6 years. I'm still a university level same as him and we're doing quite well until he kept nagging me about money. He keeps asking me and wants to borrow large amount of money just for the fucking game (he says that he'll pay me back but there are days that he doesn't). It's so draining and tiring because I have to save money for my university fees and he's keep asking for some those skins on stupid games. I tried to explain it to him and all he says is "okay" but asks again in few days. He sometimes get angry or acts cold towards me if I don't give him money. FUCK!

    suckan*ggerdick June 9, 2024 5:12 pm

    R u guys in long distance relationship? If so, how u guys met?

    fiery June 9, 2024 5:44 pm

    Don't give him the money if he's the habit of not paying back. You should focus on your university stuffs.

    OnePageMoar June 9, 2024 5:45 pm

    I have a friend like this... I came up with a rule. "Every time you borrow money I will publicly post on social media to keep a record. I won't lend more money if a u-owe-me post is still up, and once the money is returned I remove the post."

    He borrows a lotttttttt less from me now.

    YuuMoe June 9, 2024 6:14 pm

    I'm sorry to hear that. Is refusing to give money not working? Is there a chance for ur bf to get physical when he gets angry? He's in university, right? I think he should be mature enough to be considerate towards you and think about your future. Game addiction is as bad as heroin addiction. He needs to get out of it. Can't he earn the money if he needs the money so much?

    Yaoi Hungry June 9, 2024 7:26 pm

    You should stop giving him money. If he breaks up just because of money reason, he wasn't worth it. Putting your education, before his needs is taking care of yourself. If he gets angry over not taking your money, its a HUGE RED flag.

    Ana June 9, 2024 8:05 pm

    Girl there are red flags waving infront of you how do you not notice. He's using you as an ATM. You deserve better. But the rest is upto you.

    aela June 9, 2024 8:51 pm

    baby, NO SCRUBS, dump his ass and wait for one of the other 8 billion people on this planet to treat you better.

    deedee June 9, 2024 11:46 pm

    Update! I dumped his ass. Thank you guys so much I just realized I've been together in a walking landmine for so damn long.

    Ana June 10, 2024 2:48 pm
    Update! I dumped his ass. Thank you guys so much I just realized I've been together in a walking landmine for so damn long. deedee

    Omggg baby congratulations don't repeat the same mistakes again and now enjoy your life

    Yaoi Hungry June 10, 2024 4:40 pm
    Update! I dumped his ass. Thank you guys so much I just realized I've been together in a walking landmine for so damn long. deedee

    Good for you!!! You need to put yourself before others!!!