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Asking questions

Shutup! June 9, 2024 2:47 pm

I just started reading this, and the quality of translation is quite bad so I have questions, maybe some of you who have read far ahead can reply.

In 1st timeline, at what age did MC defeat the demon king & met the emperor?
In 1st timeline, how old is MC when she met Licht? And how old was Lich? How old is Licht is now?
In 1st timeline, when was the twin brothers died? It said, MC was in training to defeat demon king when the twins were assassinated. And why the emperor didn't recognize MC when she also has aether and same eyes as the emperor?

I m bit confused. From what I read.
In 1st timeline, MC met emperor only after she defeated the demon king.
It was like this --> MC was thrown to monster by farm owner, MC met the dragon, dragon gave her mission, MC met Licht who is younger than MC.

In this new TL, who brought MC to the emperor??
MC said, her being 12yo haven't met Weinsberg yet and haven't given any mission yet. It meant she ran away from farm owner sooner before the 1st TL

    Nyciaa June 24, 2024 9:46 pm

    How old they were in the first timeline wasn't mentioned (if I remember correctly) and if u read farther into the story your questions would be answered

    Shutup! June 25, 2024 1:10 am
    How old they were in the first timeline wasn't mentioned (if I remember correctly) and if u read farther into the story your questions would be answered Nyciaa

    Yeah I was getting confused when I asked this question. In spoiler I read it said ML is only 4 years younger which turned out to be untrue when I read the manhwa. I mean, ML older brother was just been born when MC is around 13yo lol. That's why ML said he haven't been born yet when the twins died (even tho the twins dead is like 5 years apart)