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Love it

aqua June 9, 2024 3:33 am

I LOVE IT!! no matter what! both are in love with each other, both are obsessed with each other, one has the brain, the will to fight for both, while one finally got the right push from right people, finally has the courage to fight for his beloved

both live in a sick family of each, my poor babies.. master ryousuke, go destroy them all (๑•ㅂ•)و✧, drop the bom to suzu's jerk father! make him suffer like little suzu!! make him pay!! and tell your family go fuck themselves with all their so called pure blood!!

i wish in this universe, even beta could get pregnant, like Kashikomarimashita Destiny's second couple story (● ̄(エ) ̄●), i mean.. what's the point of omegaverse if you can't preggie/have children (i want to see children and marking!!).. but i'll make an exception for this one and define the relationship both stories are *chef'skiss* (knowing me, i'll make long list of exception if there's more good stories ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ)

i love reading every story where the ml fight for their beloved.. it's nice to be loved~ (all with up and down as long as it'll work)
