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"The redemption will be better"

JosukesWaifu June 9, 2024 12:26 am

No matter how Jaejerk is gonna "redeem" himself the entire fandom will keep on hating him with a passion. He's toxic and garbage. Dan deserves better.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 9, 2024 1:25 am

    Referring to someone by a name that distorts or mocks their actual name, like "Jaejerk" instead of "Jaekyung," can be hurtful and disrespectful. Our names are an integral part of our identity, often carrying cultural, familial, or personal significance. When someone intentionally mispronounces or alters another person's name, it can feel like an attack on their identity and sense of self-worth.

    In the case of "Jaekyung," changing it to "Jaejerk" not only alters the pronunciation but also adds a derogatory term ("jerk") to the name. This alteration not only mocks the individual's name but also suggests a negative judgment or perception of their character. It's akin to name-calling, which can be particularly hurtful because it attacks a fundamental aspect of who someone is.

    Furthermore, names are deeply personal and often chosen with care by parents or individuals themselves. They may carry meanings, memories, or connections to one's heritage or aspirations. When someone purposefully misrepresents or distorts another person's name, it disregards the significance and respect that should be afforded to it.

    Additionally, such actions can contribute to feelings of exclusion or otherness, especially for individuals with non-traditional or culturally distinct names. It can perpetuate a sense of alienation and reinforce stereotypes or prejudices against people with names that are perceived as different or difficult to pronounce.

    Moreover, using derogatory terms in place of someone's name not only undermines their individuality but also creates a hostile or unwelcoming environment. It fosters a culture of disrespect and insensitivity, where people feel justified in belittling others based on their perceived differences.

    In summary, referring to someone by a distorted or mocking version of their name, such as "Jaejerk" instead of "Jaekyung," is mean because it undermines their identity, shows disrespect for their personal choices, and perpetuates a culture of exclusion and insensitivity. It's important to recognize and honor people's names as an essential part of who they are and to treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve.

    tewsie June 9, 2024 2:23 am

    Bro I don't think jaekyung cares he's a fictional character. And people who has the same name as him clearly knows who the commenter is talking about. Why should we respect jaekyung when he doesn't deserve any, everything about him is shit

    haemang June 9, 2024 3:35 am
    Referring to someone by a name that distorts or mocks their actual name, like "Jaejerk" instead of "Jaekyung," can be hurtful and disrespectful. Our names are an integral part of our identity, often carrying cu... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    did you use chatgpt for this?

    Elie June 9, 2024 7:40 am
    Referring to someone by a name that distorts or mocks their actual name, like "Jaejerk" instead of "Jaekyung," can be hurtful and disrespectful. Our names are an integral part of our identity, often carrying cu... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    womp womp

    average.lesbian June 9, 2024 10:29 am
    Referring to someone by a name that distorts or mocks their actual name, like "Jaejerk" instead of "Jaekyung," can be hurtful and disrespectful. Our names are an integral part of our identity, often carrying cu... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Girl are you /srs or /j

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 9, 2024 4:57 pm
    Girl are you /srs or /j average.lesbian

    They are neither. They are not the real user. They are a cyberstalker pretending to be the target while saying crazy things to harm everyone especially their targets if you believe them.

    Sasoriii June 10, 2024 5:35 pm
    Referring to someone by a name that distorts or mocks their actual name, like "Jaejerk" instead of "Jaekyung," can be hurtful and disrespectful. Our names are an integral part of our identity, often carrying cu... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Certified waffler

    Salinya June 11, 2024 6:31 am
    Referring to someone by a name that distorts or mocks their actual name, like "Jaejerk" instead of "Jaekyung," can be hurtful and disrespectful. Our names are an integral part of our identity, often carrying cu... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    WAH WAH WAH. I don't wanna fucking hear it