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bichen's lawyer June 8, 2024 1:28 pm

Lots of people saying there is something wrong with the seme and their relationshiop is weird and creepy when he's actually just a flawed person who has been so in love with this one person who finally reciprocates his feelings. His possessiveness and mild obsession towards uke is actually quite normal for a person who has held his feelings for so long (8 years of one-sided love is no joke), specially because he experienced being kissed and then ignored after and saw uke interact closely with other people, but then act all awkward with him. So now, all his pent up feelings have been unleashed because the relationship is still fresh. It is normal for both of their feelings to still be a little unsteady and their emotions a little high. With time, both of them will be more comfortable and be more confident of the other's love so their relationship will also be more calm and steady.

    SugarySugar June 8, 2024 1:35 pm

    Literally. People see any flawed character and call them a red flag istg. I bet that every single person who says shit like that has some major flaw that everyone else would consider to be a red flag if they were a manhwa character. And I feel like they are way less forgiving towards tops. I see people completely obliterate a top but make a million excuses for bottoms when they do toxic shit.