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Can someone explain the whole thing with the debt ?

butchez <3 June 8, 2024 7:41 am

Can someone explain the whole thing with the debt ? how did sehyuk get to walk away ? and how is that female alpha involved in this ?

    The Venerable One June 8, 2024 7:56 am

    Basically his father had a deal with the enemy to pay off his debt in exchange for his son Euihyun. The female alpha (Taeju's cousin) said something that made Euihyun anxious that's why he got out of the house resulting in him being kidnapped.

    yaoiaddicter ^^ June 8, 2024 7:59 am

    Female alpha is taeju’s cousin. In prev ep she went to their house and talked all this shit and triggered Eunhyun which made him so outside and got kidnap.
    Idk whats going on with the korean debt collector world but apparently you can use a human as a guarantor without their consent