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Poor Dochan. He was so serious about protecting Eunoh from Joohyuk but little did he know,...

Kyungjoon June 8, 2024 2:16 am

Poor Dochan. He was so serious about protecting Eunoh from Joohyuk but little did he know, the wh*re just got f*cked by same guy he was worrying about. And just a day after they had sex at that. He's just too pure and good for him. He deserves so much better. He also might've realized Eunoh have feelings for Joohyuk and still, he's fine being used. He doesn't deserve this AT ALL. I mean, bringing Dochan in the mix was very unnecessary to begin with. Like, let the *sshole Joohyuk and the wh*re Eunoh f*ck with each other and leave Dochan alone. I swear, it will be the last straw if Author-nim decides to make Dochan a red flag just to justify why he isn't going to be the main lead. I'm gonna drop this story and forget it even existed.
