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If you’re about to read this manhwa, please only read my comment and no one else’s lol

Sawa June 8, 2024 1:55 am

It’s actually a good story with a decent plot, and good art work, but people are rating it low because there’s cheating involved,

    Tash99 June 8, 2024 7:57 am

    I guess a lot of people have trauma from cheating so it triggers them. Bc idg how it’s rated lower than stories where the rapist has a happily ever after with his victim.

    Saweetyy June 8, 2024 5:19 pm
    I guess a lot of people have trauma from cheating so it triggers them. Bc idg how it’s rated lower than stories where the rapist has a happily ever after with his victim. Tash99

    Facts sis