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I finally read the side story, based on the comments I thought it would be terrible! Howev...

icedtealover June 7, 2024 8:34 pm

I finally read the side story, based on the comments I thought it would be terrible! However, I enjoyed it, lol. It has been a long time since I read the main story, so I don’t remember the personalities of the characters very well. It seems that Yohan's love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, while Mugyeong’s acts of service and quality time? Yohan is insecure. Despite seeking reassurance, Mugyeong shows it differently. Yohan recognizes that during his conversation with Mugyeon's mother. Mugyeon is completely oblivious. Did he assume that only Yohan would be interested in him? What a cutie.
