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Hyunnnn [51%] June 7, 2024 10:20 am

I just don't understand why the author decided to name this "another typical fantasy romance" when its one of the most unique one out there .

    SpoilerWoman June 7, 2024 7:53 pm

    Honestly, in my opinion I think this title ironically makes it even more unique. Kinda feels like It's making fun of other manhwas (I know that's not the author's intention).

    Kcorknup June 15, 2024 9:33 am

    Actualy I think the title feets this story really well as it symbolise how the author masters the codes of the fantasy romance genre and mock them at the same time. This title is both ironical and first degree because if you strip the story line to the extreme, you have a FL that isekaïed and regressed who marries the scary Northern Duke (what's more typical than that ^^).