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Wataru makes no sense

Alison June 7, 2024 9:59 am

His argument was so dumb - he said he had girlfriends who didn't like him if they weren't dating him, so he couldn't date Minato because Minato would hate him for something like they did.

But Minato is the exact opposite situation to all his ex-gf's he just quoted because they're already friends and Minato already likes him as platonic friends?

I dunno, the author clearly wanted Wataru to be broody and wanted to slow down the pacing of this with his internal anguish - but Wataru just irritated me with his bad arguments. Minato's weren't much better, but maybe that's a cultural difference. They just felt so indirect and like there were better ways to say their arguments.

At least it was cute!

    murasaki_likesfluff June 7, 2024 2:55 pm

    Well you can't be thaaat adorable and still not be stupid (≧▽≦).

    Tbh I think they're supposed to be idiots lol