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inlovewithsnow2002 June 6, 2024 4:52 pm

I think the reason I don't find this story super frustrating is because it's very obvious Hongyun does genuinely have feelings for Heewong almost to the point of hilarity and Heewong is also very aware of this (because it'd be so hard not to notice it) and that's where his persistent has been born from in these last ten or so chapters that and it's obvious that there's something really eating at Hongyun and not just in how he handles relationships but in how he interacts with people in general from his "friends" (which if we're being honest he doesn't really have) to even how he interacts with his family (I'm even of the mind that he's autistic but that's a conversation for another time)

Honestly a lot of my annoyance with Heewong initially was because he was pursuing someone who said they weren't in to him but currently Hongyun's actions so blatantly contradict this that Heewong would be a fool to not have noticed and he has which is why he continues to act the way he does

I personally don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with not being able to put a label on something yet (or ever) trauma is weird and responses to trauma are weirder I was only really irritated with Hongyun for never taking initiative it felt like Heewong was giving more to the relationship than he was but that seems to slowly be changing so it's clear that was an intentional characterization

Currently my only remaining frustration is with the fact that us as readers don't know Hongyun's backstory yet which I think would curb a lot of people's disdain for this relationship

    Jctrippin June 9, 2024 9:14 am

    Tf? I didn't plan to read all this until I saw autistic... the writer didn't label him as that... wrf is wrong with yall diagnosing peeps with autism... first it was semantic error dude and now this guy.. do yall know what autism is?

    inlovewithsnow2002 June 10, 2024 11:46 pm
    Tf? I didn't plan to read all this until I saw autistic... the writer didn't label him as that... wrf is wrong with yall diagnosing peeps with autism... first it was semantic error dude and now this guy.. do ya... Jctrippin

    Yes I do know what autism is and the way Hongyun interacts with people and processes his own emotions reminds me of the way some autistic people do idk why that upset you so much

    Jctrippin June 11, 2024 7:47 am
    Yes I do know what autism is and the way Hongyun interacts with people and processes his own emotions reminds me of the way some autistic people do idk why that upset you so much inlovewithsnow2002

    Well he's not autistic... the writer didn't brand him as that, and he doesn't seem like he is.. and how does he treat people? He doesn't like to get close to people cos he feels his gonna get heartbroken if he does and he has a bad home, is that being autistic?

    Jctrippin June 11, 2024 7:59 am
    Yes I do know what autism is and the way Hongyun interacts with people and processes his own emotions reminds me of the way some autistic people do idk why that upset you so much inlovewithsnow2002

    Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder[a] (ASD) or autism spectrum condition (ASC),[8] is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and deficits in reciprocal social communication. Other common signs include perseverative interests, stereotypic body movements (stimming), rigid routines, hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input, and difficulty with social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication
    It's not like they don't want to communicate, they can' yeah

    inlovewithsnow2002 June 11, 2024 3:00 pm
    Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder[a] (ASD) or autism spectrum condition (ASC),[8] is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and deficits in reciprocal ... Jctrippin

    Dude idk why you're arguing about this with me and I don't know if you're just unwilling to understand things like interpretation I know what ASD is I HAVE ASD and when I don't have to sit her and explain to you every single reason why I think he as ASD I think he displays signs of black and white thinking and I think the way he processes social cues is notably different from the way allistic people do and I frankly don't give two shits about whether the author intended for him to display characteristics of autism or not this is my interpretation of his actions and motivations

    Jctrippin June 11, 2024 3:50 pm
    Dude idk why you're arguing about this with me and I don't know if you're just unwilling to understand things like interpretation I know what ASD is I HAVE ASD and when I don't have to sit her and explain to yo... inlovewithsnow2002

    He doesn't have autism tho...

    inlovewithsnow2002 June 11, 2024 11:33 pm
    He doesn't have autism tho... Jctrippin

    I'm not here to explain interpretation and death of the author to you but if you wanna learn about media analysis and not spend your time chastising a stranger on the Internet for harmless statement that wasn't even the main point of my original comment why don't you try researching about those concepts

    Especially because you're coming off super ableist

    Jctrippin June 12, 2024 8:58 am
    I'm not here to explain interpretation and death of the author to you but if you wanna learn about media analysis and not spend your time chastising a stranger on the Internet for harmless statement that wasn't... inlovewithsnow2002

    I just said he ain't autistic bro... it's not deep

    inlovewithsnow2002 June 12, 2024 7:18 pm
    I just said he ain't autistic bro... it's not deep Jctrippin

    And I just said he was bro it's not that deep

    Tita June 25, 2024 10:18 pm

    If he was autistic the author would have said so, but its unsure still, so lets not confidently assume stuff without the full picture.

    inlovewithsnow2002 June 26, 2024 3:25 am
    If he was autistic the author would have said so, but its unsure still, so lets not confidently assume stuff without the full picture. Tita

    Sigh ya'lls inability to understand concepts like interpretation headcanon or death of the author are not my problem stop trying to make it my problem

    dreaminglows July 1, 2024 4:42 am
    Sigh ya'lls inability to understand concepts like interpretation headcanon or death of the author are not my problem stop trying to make it my problem inlovewithsnow2002

    i support you some people do not have media literacy at all like not everything has to be spoonfed to them. some things are implied!!! and even if the author did not mean to imply that, it can still be an hc that won't hurt anyone so idk why that person is blowing a fuse over nothing

    Jctrippin July 1, 2024 6:21 pm
    i support you some people do not have media literacy at all like not everything has to be spoonfed to them. some things are implied!!! and even if the author did not mean to imply that, it can still be an hc t... dreaminglows

    But he's not autistic bro

    dreaminglows July 2, 2024 2:13 am

    my god talking to you is like talking to a brick wall