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What the fuck

GHOST June 6, 2024 2:34 pm

This is very upsetting. The premise itself is actually pretty intriguing. I’m bored as fuck with all the slice of life shit, and its hard to come by good fantasy / supernatural works.

But what the actual fuck is going on here? Sex infront of a 12 year old and acting like its fine? Marlon offering to “hook him up”? I don’t understand how some people here are so brain rotted that they find this okay. There has to be something wrong with you if you find this “normal” or “acceptable”.

Also saying that “child trafficking is the bigger issue” is fucking incompetent. Yes, it is, fucking obviously. That is NOT THE ISSUE. The trafficking is somewhat being treated as bad. The sexual misconduct around a child is NOT being treated the same way. THAT is the problem.

It’s perfectly fine to express dark themes in a story. Sexual trauma as a child, human trafficking, drug addiction, rape, etc.

The issue is when you treat it like a normal / non-problematic topic. The author makes it seem like Marlon offering Six sex from a third party, appearing naked infront of him after having sex, and showing Six have a child crush on him after having seen Marlon having sex- is all normal and good. What the literal fuck is wrong with you?

I can tell you why this is bad as well. There are DEFINITELY people who find it appealing to know a person has crushed on you when they were a child, all the way up to adulthood. That is pedophilic. The gratification comes from knowing a fucking child was in love with you. Doesn’t matter if you “wait”. Its fucked up. Marlon may not be showing that interest, but this 100 percent appeals to the shota enjoyers. It makes me want to vomit.

Again, pissed off since this had the potential to be great. But the whole first section of chapters was so disgusting to read. I enjoy stories with dark themes, so that is no way the issue. If Six had gone through his trauma, met Marlon a few times but never experienced the sexual encounters, the crushing, and met him later and THEN fell in love, I would not have any issue with this.

Fucking hell.

    Don June 6, 2024 8:32 pm

    Literally what ive been saying

    2delete June 6, 2024 11:51 pm

    Louder for those idiots in the back

    Feather June 20, 2024 11:58 am
    Louder for those idiots in the back 2delete