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Isis They Could Never Make Me Hate You

annoyed_linguist June 6, 2024 7:16 am

TL;DR Isis is a deep and complex character that is more than "spiteful wife who blames victim". She doesn't actually blame Seth for Osiris raping him (she does still victimblame but more in a "why did you talk to me first" way). She also was using Seth as a tool to punish Osiris which is really why her character is so fucked up.

Morally dark gray but better for it (as in she's very interesting and I love reading her POV).


*Actual Comment*

Isis is probably one of my favorite characters in ENNEAD which is pretty controversial given the fandom seems to collectively agree she kinda sucks. And the thing is I also agree she kinda sucks but I think that's part of why she's such a fascinating character.

Something a lot of readers get wrong is the idea that she genuinely blames Seth for Osiris's infidelity but the manga pretty out right tells us that she was actually much more angry as Osiris. The whole "my dead husband" thing was an act and she wanted Seth to be obliterated so Osiris couldn't have him. Also probably because Seth kind of forced her to rock bottom, killed all her women, and hunt her like a dog but punishing Osiris and making Horus king was her primary goal.

What makes Isis such a fucked up and fascinating character is the fact that her desire for Seth's destruction feels less like her trying to punish Seth and more like an honor killing. She was genuinely traumatized by his assault. I encourage readers to go back to the earlier chapters and the chapters where she's talking to Seth and really look between the lines. Isis genuinely loved and cared for Seth. That wasn't just her friend that was her brother. This is speculation but I kind of wonder if Isis thought destroying Seth was a way of purifying him. She hated him but she loved him. Like how she loved and hated Osiris.

She was wrong. The way she dealt with things was wrong (and it's the same for Seth. I think many fans kinda gloss over the fact that he killed thousands of women and children and hunted Isis but the thing is neither of them were ever bad they were broken. So deeply and profoundly broken.

    JayJay (I'm back!) June 13, 2024 5:41 pm
    Yay, thanks for this post annoyed_linguist! Isis is one of my faves too, she's got such a great well-done 3D personality: so uniquely, complexly and human-like infuriating! Haters don't realize the very reason ... JayJay (I'm back!)

    I mean, from writer's perspective, Isis would have to be this author's masterpiece, because she's the toughest character to write. All the others are way easier to write because none of them have the same level of complexity. It's darn hard to write a character like this one, because it's not as easy to "get inside their head" as it is with the other ones.

    annoyed_linguist June 14, 2024 3:44 am
    Yay, thanks for this post annoyed_linguist! Isis is one of my faves too, she's got such a great well-done 3D personality: so uniquely, complexly and human-like infuriating! Haters don't realize the very reason ... JayJay (I'm back!)

    FAX NO PRINTER. It’s like yeah she does a lot of shitty stuff but it’s not because she’s this flat evil person. She shown to have much deeper and complex motivations beyond jealousy or hatred. And I love her relationship with Seth because it’s so messy and filled with conflicting emotions. Love, hate, anger, guilt. Like Mojito knows how to write interesting 3 dimensional characters and I’m living for it.

    -hoeforhange- June 14, 2024 6:10 pm

    Cannot agree with you more! I've seen a shit ton if isis is crap arguments and i particularly do not care, because it's not entirely off topic. But we truly cannot handle characters who actually have some "character".
    This seems more and more a story of humans instead of God's. We see the rise of and fall of two people who were once family. This seems more about seths relationship with his family, how that affected him and realization. Nobody is innocent here. Neither seth Or isis. But it's kind of ironic if the only thing you can take away from this is "isis bad, seth baby, horus kiss". Are they little children to blame the road for tripping them? We certainly are. Isis has fury for a lot of people including the ones she loves. Because being a person includes being selfish, hypocritical, prideful, guilty and wrathful. I really do hope to see some development though. I do not like isis, but i love the way her characters written.
    (Why don't we all double the isis hate energy and give it to the next person, i.e. osiris?)