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i get it

i can't be helped June 6, 2024 5:18 am

i went sleepless just to read this because i thought this manhwa is already completed, but oh boy was i wrong. although the long flashback made me miss ian (because duh, he is the main man here), i understand the point of setting the background for brian (yet i also believe that it's becoming too long for my liking). for me, the whole point of the flashback is to establish brian's character and also explain the reason why the priest is obsessing over him. actually, it explained a lot (in my perspective at least). it made me realize that ian's anxiety of him not being "brian" is sooooo valid because although they share the same soul, they are two different persons. too much rambling, atp my only hope is for sol to love ian as he is, not as the "brian reincarnation" because if ian "returns to his true self" then i may be a bit disappointed.

    i can't be helped June 6, 2024 5:21 am

    this is so long wtf but i had a talk with my co-teacher months back about reincarnation and the idea of "loving that reincarnation despite the reincarnation not being the original person (physically)" and this just checks out that idea. i really enjoyed this manhwa! it's not perfect but i like that it makes me think about a literary trope LMAO