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Call me horrible but personally the first few things done to the mc was deserved, being rp...

Not_yo_cheese June 5, 2024 11:45 pm

Call me horrible but personally the first few things done to the mc was deserved, being rped is a horrible thing but he also deserved it because of the shit he did, I'm mostly talking about the two times he got f'ed by the ml for context. However the rest of it is just uncalled for, the scene where he tried to drown himself should have been the scene where everything stopped he had already payed the price for his crime tenfold, by not only giving birth to two of the ml's children but also selling his body to random people just to survive. The rest where he's just popping babies left and right for the ml and being abused by him was too damn much, heck even him selling his body was too much already but because of the seriousness of his crime I'm letting it slide. Personally I think the most twisted thing here is that the only time when he seriously regretted his actions was when he decided to walk away and get rped by random people. My dude you have paid for your crimes enough! but at the same time it's like... Why are you only realizing all of this now that you're dying??? Like it's hard to feel absolutely remorseful for the mc when he showed that he only then regretted his actions. From the looks of it that's the reason why the author made things go that far, mc just accepted everything at face value as a crime for killing, it's hard to explain but he didn't care who the person he killed is or what that person had to suffer through he knew it was his fault so accepted the punishment but wasn't actually remorseful.

    Kkaell June 8, 2024 1:54 pm

    OH MY GODH EXACTLY!! THE 7 DISLIKES JUST DONT GET IT. As you said, He just knew he deserved it, but it didn't mean that he was sorry for it. He only regretted it when he was on his deathbed.

    I wish it wouldve just ended when he drowned,,or ATLEAST when he died PLEASEEE DONT GO TO THE PAST PLS FUCK.

    Kkaell June 8, 2024 1:58 pm
    OH MY GODH EXACTLY!! THE 7 DISLIKES JUST DONT GET IT. As you said, He just knew he deserved it, but it didn't mean that he was sorry for it. He only regretted it when he was on his deathbed.I wish it wouldve ju... Kkaell

    Ugh okay I just read some spoilers below the comments

    aVeryGreenApple June 10, 2024 5:52 am

    … he told those men to scare Rapiel.. not rape or kill him. But the tragedy happened regardless.

    I’ve read the novel so many times and it still breaks my heart. Yes, Aeroc was arrogant. But Kloff is the true villain in this story.

    Vol 1- it should have ended with the rejection and humiliation when Aeroc asked him for that taboo relationship, but instead he made it a game, with Rapiel as the object to dangle in front of Aeroc. So much unnecessary hatred was cultivated for months that eventually pushed Aeroc to do the deed. It’s not an excuse… but when you’re pushed to the corner, you blow up. So kloff is equally responsible for Rapiel’s death. To add injury, he used his wife’s death to finally do what he wanted drag Aeroc in the gutter. In the novel.. it’s a lot more painful and sickening.. it was inhumane.. it wasn’t just rape or forced impregnation.. Kloff broke Aeroc ruining him beyond repair. All criminals should be punished, but no one has the right to turn them into nothing, Kloff was playing God. Aeroc didn’t deserve the punishment, he should have been in jail, he should have faced his crimes giving the Westport family closure. The whole story did nothing but hurt… those kids.. when they learned the truth, the pain and trauma that they were playing and sleeping so close while their mother suffered.

    I’m not defending Aeroc. But it was unnecessary everything that happened. In vol 2, the dissection and truth came out of Kloff’s pov. He admitted that he was using Rapiel because of his attraction for Aeroc. To make matters worst the thoughts “it would be a boring marriage.” So all the heartache he pushed on Aeroc was a result of a boring marriage, he made it a game egging Aeroc in book 1.

    In vol 5… Og Kloff expected Aeroc to commit the same crime and was waiting so he’ll have power to do all those horrible things again. Imagine his surprise when nothing happened… in the novel when he was confessing his crimes to Aeroc. It was inferiority complex… he hated that Aeroc was an alpha, a count and rich. He couldn’t see the sincerity in Aeroc’s actions and words… he destroyed him and brought his children of world 1 hurt.

    You’re entitled in your opinion. But no one deserves to be treated like that… that’s why we have laws. He regrets it. That’s why he let Kloff take everything, he was still arrogant at the beginning, but he didn’t fight… because he knew that he had hurt Rapiel and Kloff… that it was his fault they can never be happy. The manhwa cut a lot of things off.. and by his fourth birth he was so addicted to pills he was slowly losing his mind.

    Kkaell June 10, 2024 2:15 pm
    … he told those men to scare Rapiel.. not rape or kill him. But the tragedy happened regardless.I’ve read the novel so many times and it still breaks my heart. Yes, Aeroc was arrogant. But Kloff is the true... aVeryGreenApple

    Holy gosh u ate up with this.

    OtenTheWanderer June 13, 2024 6:45 am

    You don't understand. What kloff did was inhumane. He didn't even treat aeroc as if he was human anymore- a
    Aeroc had no bodily autonomy he was worse than prisoner. It's not that he didn't feel bad of sorry, it's literally shown in the narrative that he felt absolutely terrible for the death Rapiel- Do you just expect him to be sane after all that was done to him??? He didn't deserve to get raped or anything at all- If kloff felt much remorseful he should have just killed Aeroc and not do all that. That amount of trauma is too much to bare, Aeroc already wanted to die but kloff didn't allow him to- It's not hard to feel sympathy for him, yes he did wrong but what he got was undeserved and seeing your response feels so crazy because why even blame him for that when he already felt too much remorse

    MACAROONS June 14, 2024 11:41 pm

    I bet you're one of the readers that didn't read the novel so you're just basing it on the manwha. Read the full novel and you will know who's the monster.

    Aeroc didn't deserve that. No one deserves to be treated that way. The comment about already explained the spoilers.

    Saz82yu June 15, 2024 6:58 am

    Yes you're horrible and crazy . He didn't deserve it he didn't want this to happen to Raphaël i don't defend him but brother be for real .
    He was raped
    Pregnant 6 times
    Was raped on daly bases to survive
    And you think he deserve it
    The one who are at fault are the one who raped and killed raphael not aerock .

    Sazz June 19, 2024 1:25 am

    Read the damn novel and then tell me again he deserved it. Kloff is the only fucking monster here.