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thoughts and feelings

icecoffee1111 June 3, 2024 4:38 pm

in the beginning chps the mc is way to curious like boy is trying to get fired and his job is easy too like eat clean sleep thats it.!!!
the mc is so pretty, like foggy glass ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
all of the characters are really pretty
there seems to be a lot of the royal blooded ppl yk like theyre fighting so many zero lol
poor emma her name drag through the mud even though shes so sweet
the fact that it was chris and ryan knew was obvious but i didnt really find it sad like ryan was old old it was his time im glad chris had his memories wiped bc that was all just trauma
whats really funny is that the "main couple" lucaon and kyon are more of a side story
to ryan and chris' story after reading the authors notes it makes sense on why the main characters didnt feel like main
i dont really like stories were the supernatural will live on without their love so i will pretend that the symbol on his hands also gives him a longer life by like using lucaon powers, what thats so smart and that my conclusion that the marriage symbol gives the lover servants a longer life by taking "life force" from the master so that they can be happy forever together but still have a price to pay kind of thing
