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cannot stand jack

charlie June 3, 2024 1:33 pm

ive reread the last 15 chapters before S2 and good god i hope ian gets away from him the way he thinks of ian as brian genuinely makes me so annoyed
like goddamn you really don't love this man. ian and brian feel so different and jack just....ignores this? he goes on about how the root of their personality is the same but when he thinks about this longer than a second it falls apart. and he constantly calls him brian in his head, and i cant believe he truly loves him. it feels like a relationship doomed to fail tbh
im also half convinced ian wont inherit Brian's memories in the way everyone else does. idk if youve read the manhwa devils boy (its very good you should read it) but i think if ian does get his memories itll be like how the mc refuses to become faust, remaining himself regardless of what he remembers. they keep going back to ian just not becoming brian even with the memories and i feel itll be the best outcome both for ian and story wise.
cause itll also pose a big issue for jack, with him having to come to terms with how brian is gone. he is literally living grasping onto the hope hell be reincarnated, narratively itll be better for his character if he doesn't return. not good for ian tho lmao hell be in a pseudo relationship with a guy who loved you cause he thought you were his reincarnated lover.
overall i think brian and ian are not meant to be the same person at any point of the story. the fact we can see so much of them both separately shows us how different they are at their core imo. i feel itll be better for the story if ian stays ian. thank you for listening to my ted talk.

    auroroa June 3, 2024 1:38 pm


    charlie June 3, 2024 3:34 pm
    SO REAL OH MY GOD auroroa

    i dont get how ian didn't deck him in that office it's genuinely baffling