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MC is a treasure

lokifa June 2, 2024 9:34 am

Mom abandoned him, dad saddled him with a huge debt, loan sharks are chasing him, have to work multiple back breaking jobs and he’s still so bright and bubbly- he’s not a push over either, he doesn’t let school mates bully him into doing their work, he’s a diligent worker and student- loved that he was so firm and no nonsense to the kid he’s tutoring too-

He has a scholarship and it’s probably for good grades, but he really should be getting one for sports, he’s a runner he’s a track star ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

He’s an absolute barbie and the ML is just Ken. Im reading for the MC, he’s such a delight, the ML is hot af but bleh, maybe once the falling in love/chasing/redemption arc begins, we’ll see some personality.

Anyway, cute af. I thought it was going to be something Jinx like, happy to be proven wrong.

    BakedPotato June 2, 2024 10:25 am

    Yeomin is the reason I keep reading this as well! Might I add he's absolutely adorable