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Im happy with either routes but what's with this hate for Ruby

Zerochawma June 1, 2024 9:56 pm

She died young from cancer + without any familial love from her family + the only other person whose company she liked, got unlived + her new mother after reincarnation who really cared for Ruby, also got unlived

and after all of this, she gets to know her beloved sensei also got reincarnated under the same roof. i know incest isn't good for anyone but let's be real, she also deserves love and this case is different, right ? Cause both of them have past life memories. No one is grooming either person and no one is pervert for shota or loli

Thanks for reading, if u think I wrote something wrong, let me know.

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    Coco June 6, 2024 4:04 am

    i thought people hate incest bc it's incest.
    but if they add grooming as well wow ... it definitely isn't grooming. cursing people isn't how people should discuss morality. i like your calm analysis!

    QuestKiller June 6, 2024 6:49 am

    ruby studied basic education so she should know that incest is wrong, sure she can see that aqua is goro but removing the idea that theyre originally siblings from the same parents and forcing aqua for romantic relationship is so wrong

    sure she had a rough past life but that doesnt give her a ticket do this kind of thing in her current life

    Knkz97 June 6, 2024 12:43 pm

    I can understand the hate but personally, I also never felt hate on Ruby, I just dislikes the incest route? Though, I can probably guess the rationale of the author for this plot. I mean, atp Ruby still lives as Sarina instead of Ruby. It's as if her live is the extended version of Sarina's. She just obtained a new mother, a new brother, and another opportunity to "be happy". Even in this live, all she thinks about is her doctor, and how she wanted to be his wife, also being AI fans, still the same as Sarina.

    As if... she never saw Aqua as Aqua after she finds out that Aqua is her doctor? I mean I remember her being grossed out by her "brother" before, but never with her "doctor". So this incest isn't exactly incest, but if they really end up together, then Aqua will probably broke down, since he genuinely saw her as his sister and libed his life as Aqua. He even fall in love with Kana in his new life. I just wish that didn't happen

    Coco June 6, 2024 1:29 pm
    ruby studied basic education so she should know that incest is wrong, sure she can see that aqua is goro but removing the idea that theyre originally siblings from the same parents and forcing aqua for romantic... QuestKiller

    she didn't force aqua as you said. well although we didn't know what will happen in the future when she know aqua is closer with kana. but i am sure it will not be that kind of "forcing". beside, basic education also should teach people to not lie, stalk, murder, etc. but we saw more people cursing ruby than akane and kamiki. just admit it, people cursing incest because their own inheritent discuss rather than actual morality. if people want to pretend to be right, then maybe they should go back to basic school and learn that cursing fictional character and actual author is stupid

    Coco June 6, 2024 1:30 pm
    she didn't force aqua as you said. well although we didn't know what will happen in the future when she know aqua is closer with kana. but i am sure it will not be that kind of "forcing". beside, basic educatio... Coco

    *inheritent disgust (no autocorrect for me :/)

    Zerochawma June 9, 2024 8:16 am
    ruby studied basic education so she should know that incest is wrong, sure she can see that aqua is goro but removing the idea that theyre originally siblings from the same parents and forcing aqua for romantic... QuestKiller

    I mean, u r correct in a way but I just wanted to point out RUBY's POV, I'm happy either way cus author decided it but no matter how much anyone dislike this, if author wrote it this way, I have no problem. And my issue is utter hate for Ruby and her routes, people be projecting themselves on these characters and feeling genuine disgust for incest, I or u won't date our sibling but for RUBY, he is her beloved sensei from past life, who she thought had died. And I bet if these were brothers, people (girls mostly from this website who support gay relationship) won't have any complaints about this entire issue cus I read other comments on yoai mangas where protagonist r siblings. Not to offend people or u for the matter but hypocrites r everywhere on this website.

    Have nice day BTW, thanks for commenting without using any slurs

    Zerochawma June 9, 2024 8:18 am
    i thought people hate incest bc it's incest.but if they add grooming as well wow ... it definitely isn't grooming. cursing people isn't how people should discuss morality. i like your calm analysis! Coco

    Thanks 。◕‿◕。