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Can't say I'm surprised

simp here June 1, 2024 9:16 pm

Honestly, can't say I'm surprised how the two main leads ended up. There was a heavy lack of communication and trust especially from the ml. Now here there are. A relationship build up on lies and benefits. FL used him to get revenge, ML lied to her. The lack of communication was defined infuriating. But the worst part is not that. Is how both of them treat their son. Billoy did nothing other than being born. It's not his fault that he looks like his father, but, it's not his fault his mother can't stand him. The kid is stuck with two emotional unavailable parents that used him for their own advantage. But, I'll be even more disappointed if the author tries to pass off in the ending that Billoy is just as loved as his sister, because he isn't.
I honestly saw it coming as soon they decided to bring back the brown hair dude.
I cold say that this is my biggest grief with the manhwa, but, I think, I definitely need to mention also how Wilhelm got groomed by FL, especially before he regained his memory. It just feel so iffy how this gets looked over by many.

I could say so much more about this manhwa but, I'll let some of y'all discuss in the comments. After all this is my personal feelings on this.

    youraedthiswrogn June 2, 2024 8:00 pm

    He always had his memory. In a decent chapter it shows him as a child with a bird in a cage as he calls her his god. His story about not having his memories till a certain point never made sense in the first place since Rein also regressed and had her memories as soon as she did. He spun that little gem to her when she accused him of purposely allowing Dietrich to walk into the ambush. "I didn't remember anything till after that, the memories came back as I fought! I lost him too! (cries)". All of that was a lie. It was entirely premeditated and the plan had to do with his memories. He knew where the ambush would be and let him die, except it failed