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what is going on in this comment section, I just came to check for updates 😭

Baby Jaerim June 1, 2024 3:52 pm

what is going on in this comment section, I just came to check for updates

    Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 4:57 pm

    The simple answer is cyberstalking.

    Another answer is. The ones cyberstalking: Their fixation on their interpretation of the story has led them to resort to cyberstalking to enforce their viewpoint. It's clear that they're actively trying to harm our reputation and well-being. Most of their behavior stems from a refusal to accept differing viewpoints or factual information

    For more information.

    You can review my topics and make sure they are mine because I do have a cyberstalker impersonating me. Here is proof they are copying me.

    Here is one of my lastest topics...

    It has come to our attention that there are individuals within our community engaging in harmful behavior, including cyberstalking and impersonation. ( and, This is the same person behind the accounts gaslighting everyone to harm their targets. )
    We want to ensure the safety and well-being of all members, so we're providing some guidance on how to recognize and handle this issue.

    What is Cyberstalking?
    Cyberstalking involves using online platforms to harass, intimidate, or deceive others. This behavior can take many forms, including impersonation, spreading false information, and manipulation.

    How to Recognize Cyberstalking:

    Persistent attempts to impersonate or deceive others.
    Spreading false information or rumors to tarnish someone's reputation.

    Manipulative tactics aimed at controlling or intimidating individuals.
    Creating multiple fake accounts to harass or stalk specific individuals.

    One is impersonating I love morning diamond aka me and the other is impersonating Aloha spreading false information and debunked allegations to tarnish their target's reputation. This is the same individual behind both accounts.

    What to Do if You Encounter Cyberstalking:

    Do not engage with the individual perpetrating the cyberstalking.
    Report the suspicious behavior to the appropriate authorities or platform administrators.
    Reach out to trusted friends or community members for support.
    Take steps to protect your online privacy and security.
    Supporting Each Other:
    Let's work together to create a supportive and respectful environment for everyone in our community. If you have concerns about someone's behavior, don't hesitate to reach out for help.

    Remember, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We're here to support you and address any issues that arise. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and let's continue to build a positive community together.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.