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Plsss! Dohwa and Suae have been good friends. The way they were before is way more than th...

taks24 June 1, 2024 11:56 am

Plsss! Dohwa and Suae have been good friends. The way they were before is way more than the way they are now. She's not leading him on. In the first place, she's not aware of his feelings. She still sees him as her friend.
Maybe some of you thought she's stepping out of line, but for me, it's because you guys know Dohwa's feelings. But please remember he, as a friend, did more than what Suae's currently doing. They used to hang out/spend more time alot.
While I feel bad for Dohwa, it's not Suae's fault if he fell for her. Dohwa just tried his best to set boundaries. Suae didn't even say any sweet things to him. She being this nosy is because she cares for him as her close friend seems to astray and don't forget it's the company who is a threat to Suae's life. To point out, even Eunhyeok was put into danger too because of his association with her. For her, she's responsible for Dohwa too.

All I wanted is for them to be happy. Atp, no one deserves hate.

    Oatmeal June 1, 2024 6:17 pm

    This right here! I was getting confused why people are accusing her of
    leading him on when I sorta remembered her being clueless. You may say she should have more awareness but her mind is already so busy with Eunhyeok, thinking up story to AVOID DEATH, keeping her grades, and caring for her friend. She's just a high schooler so I think she deserves some slack...