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My first rant of seon-in


This stupid high sex drive blonde MAKE ME BOIL BRO but i sometimes takes his side BUT CAN HE PLEASE NOT??? Like bro we get it you wanna fuck your very pretty pookie (i love that pookie too) BUT ITS HIS FIRST TIMEE CAN YOU JUST UNDERSTAND HOW TO SADISFY THE POOR ASS MAN THAT KEEPS SAYING STOP WHEN YOU GO VERY FUCKING ROUGH AND NOT GIVING HIM TIME TO BREATH OR DID YOU FORGET HOW TO HAVE PROPER SEX CAUSE YOU KEEP FUCKING MANY GUYS ALL OVER AND YOU TOOK BDSM LIKE ITS A FRIEND?? DAMN. Okay, i can treat Yeongwoon BETTER without the name mentioned seon-in. The chapter was so bad (Not saying its actually bad but it got me screaming all over the bed because of how mad embarrassed i was) it got me flipping off the air.

Extra; i copied those model poses of seon-in irl tbh i felt like i was a model too.
