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Just my brief theory on this

Baby tiana May 30, 2024 10:30 am

Hmm....Kim seoho and the dokkaebi were trying to create a scenario in the world where humans won't have to die anymore right? Could it be that in doing so, they caused a major screw up that activated a severe punishment that resulted in Kim seoho being wiped out of existences completely and maybe, just maybe Kim seoho locked up the dokkaebi for thousands of years in hope that he won't get discovered too and wiped out as well. Because if you think about it, doing something like what they were trying to do in making humans never experience death goes against the natural order. I think Kim seoho was punished for attempting it and he in turn hid the dokkaebi so that he won't also be punished and wiped like him Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Megumi May 30, 2024 10:33 am

    Wow that's actually a good theory !!

    choco flavoured d*ck May 30, 2024 10:35 am

    If that's the case then damn, but honestly why would you try to change the life span of a human being, there's a possibility that that thing will backfire cuz human mind is very fragile. Being alive for 60 years is already enough to make someone go insane (or depressed).

    He should have done like making humans' healthy, curing human diseases instead of eliminating death. That would imbalance the natural order. Life without death is meaningless, that would create chaos

    mari May 30, 2024 10:36 am

    Do u have a PhD in something because this theory sounds hella smart

    Baby tiana May 30, 2024 10:43 am
    Do u have a PhD in something because this theory sounds hella smart mari

    No lmao( ̄∇ ̄"). My brain cells just activated during this chapter. Seeing that Kim seoho doesn't even exist from the grim reaper's scroll made me realise that he was probably erased for a reason or as punishment for something he did and trying to close the gates of the underworld and erase death is a pretty big thing an ordinary human like kim seoho should have never done

    LaNansha May 30, 2024 11:19 am

    I was thinking that for that to happen, he might have had to be confined for a number of hundred years while MC would've had to reincarnate and get his memories wiped. Since they were alive before Yama even became king, it's also plausible that reincarnation wasn't a thing back then and that immortality is found through way of reincarnation. Only the price to pay remains the missing memories.