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I would've preferred it if Taichi and Chihaya went out of their ways. Chihaya with karuta ...

nobodybruh May 30, 2024 3:53 am

I would've preferred it if Taichi and Chihaya went out of their ways. Chihaya with karuta brought Taichi so much pain and troubles. Of course he grew stronger from those experiences but as Hyoro said... Taichi is much better and much stringer without Chihaya. Chihaya should've just ended up with Arata.

I always love the chaaracter of Taichi and he's my fave character so I was joping he can be with someone better. I feel like the only reason why they got to be together is so the trio can still have connections with each other. haysss...

    nobodybruh June 1, 2024 9:25 am

    And bruh. Why would the Arata won over Taichi by 18 cards during their third match?! Like why?! That hurts so much. Like it's rubbing in your face that Arata is way way way better at Karuta than Taichi. Well I know it's a fact but still...