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Getting top scores in all subjects? TOP!? ALL!?? Respectfully, that's so unrealistic. How ...

Araceli May 30, 2024 1:18 am

Getting top scores in all subjects? TOP!? ALL!?? Respectfully, that's so unrealistic. How many prodigy asian kid do you think there are in Korea? Some of them are olympics with a massive study hours in cramp school. Some of them are born geniuses. Even if this is your second life it's still a dream to beat those kids. Don't you think this is a bit too mary sue?

    YaoisKen May 30, 2024 1:47 am

    And why cant he be one of them?
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    aetherization May 30, 2024 8:20 am

    Gary sue might be the terms you were looking for. I kinda agree but then again nothing is impossible if they work hard enough. The sky is the limit so why can't he be one of those smart kids one does not need to be a genius to be the best. Besides, he's an actor. His memorization skill should help tremendously during his study

    Araceli May 30, 2024 1:25 pm
    And why cant he be one of them? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ YaoisKen

    Memorize skill aint gonna help with physics or math. The ppl who write school books and the one making a test is different people. That's why high school kids took extra class like a maniac just to get used to CSAT problems's style.

    Let me remind you that the entrance exam of these east asian kids (Chinese, Korea, Japanese) is really competitive so the difficult level is insane (SAT&BMAT is just a snack for these kids) it's so hard to the point that a bunch of kids off themselves during this period.

    when i said PRODIGY kid- I really MEAN it. Have you ever seen a 5-year-old asian kid playing fantasie impromptu on youtube or a Korean boy with iq above 210 (he solve calculus when he was 3 bro).

    Sure our mc might get ALL TOP cuz it's his second life, but unless he can remember all the questions in the exam from his previous life.... he won't be able to get better scores than those kids (if it were you, do you think you can beat Einstein if you had time travel back to his era with your current knowledge? No? Exactly) Not to mention he's not that bright before so the chance of him being a born genius is off. Hard work? Not that much since he had to spend time on his acting career.

    It's understandable if he's on god tier level with his acting skill but academic too? Not just science or math but in ALL subjects. That's greedy. I felt like the author is too obsessed with the terms of perfection. It's okay to leave some room for character flaws for further development. This story is already good enough as it is

    Love Is War June 5, 2024 6:04 am

    .... Bestie, did you forget his actual age? He is an adult competing with teenage kids, didn't he already take this exam in his previous life too? Maybe things like Maths and Sciences took a lot more revision but I doubt History, Linguistics etc would have been challenging for him.