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I know some people might hate me for this but the story has become really boring after she...

Orinoko May 29, 2024 7:56 pm

I know some people might hate me for this but the story has become really boring after she found out that she isn't dying idk it seems like they don't know what to do with her so we get some wierd plot of her being adopted as a princess and the prince wanting her to be with him but him, but he isn't in love with her and the plot twist that she was possessed i was like huh where did that come from i acctually forgot that this world has magic idk where the story will go from now on but it feels like it's lost it's way and is trying to add up plot point that don't make sense just so they can keep the story going

    Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun June 12, 2024 3:24 pm

    Nah, I already dropped this way back she accepted the Prince's offer so you're already cool for reading it further. I just drop by to see if it's worth going back but it seems I did a good job dropping it before.